Chapter 3

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"Can I at least talk to her?" The chief asked.

"When I get the money, I'll let you." Namjoon smirked.

"Boss, we got the money." One of his men told him.

"Perfect." Namjoon cut the power for a few seconds. "Get us all some food and drinks." Namjoon ordered the man. The man quickly walked away.

Namjoon turned the power back on. "I'll release one and kill the other." Namjoon grinned.

"We'll send some more money over, don't hurt either of them." The chief grunted. "We sent it, do you have it?"

"I got it it." Namjoon cuts the phone call before sending the 2 back to their empty rooms. Lisa notices a vent in the room. She points to the vent and Jisoo nods. They walk around the room trying to find something to open the vent.

"The hell are you guys doing, walking around like cows." Namjoon asked through the microphone.

Finally, Lisa finds a loose bit of wire and pretends to sit down, but instead, she swiftly picks it up and puts it in her pockets. Jisoo notices this and decides to lay down to get some sleep.

Some men sends in some dry meat with rice and some water for them. Lisa sees the food and immediately goes to eat some of it.

The night dawns on them. They make sure nobody was watching when they slowly used the piece of wire to unscrew the vents open. Lisa goes in first and then Jisoo joins her.They screw the vent back on before going through the vents for a few minutes.

Lisa finds an opening and unscrews the vent. Together, they walk out of the vent and finds themselves in a yard of grass. Suddenly, an alarm rings. They run out of the yard quickly to a nearby car park when they heard gunshot sounds.

They run even further until they find a dark alley to hide in. They waited until the men who were chasing them pass by the alley. Lisa notices red stains on the floor. It get traced to Jisoo. Jisoo was leaning to the wall.

"Are you okay, what happened?" Lisa immediately ran to her. She notices a wound with blood on Jisoo's leg. "Hang on.. I'll get you some help." Lisa was going to run away until she felt Jisoo pulling her leg.

"They'll see you if you run out like that." Jisoo said weakly. 

"You won't be able to last forever like this." Tears flood Lisa's eyes.

"Please.. I can't let you.." Jisoo said in a small voice with tears rolling down her cheeks.  Lisa takes off her jacket and wraps Jisoo's leg with it. 

"You gotta trust me on this, okay? I don't want to lose you." Lisa walked away. Jisoo wasn't able to stop her.


Jisoo wakes up to find herself in a small apartment. Lisa was beside her taking care of her. 

"Where am I?" Jisoo asked, confused.

"In my friend's apartment, she's a doctor. We don't have anybody to trust right now." Lisa replied. "And don't worry, my friend is in a business trip right now."

"Where is Namjoon and his men?" Jisoo asked.

"He's probably looking for us everywhere. But you gotta fully heal until we figure out our next move." Lisa hands Jisoo a cup of tea.

"Thanks.. for doing all of this." Jisoo drinks the tea.

"Of course." Lisa smiled.

Jisoo notices a newspaper on the table and picks it up to read it.

Jisoo notices a newspaper on the table and picks it up to read it

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"B-but.. There's no way my dad planned this.. He couldn't have done that.." Jisoo read the article in disbelief.

"I don't believe it either. But, we gotta play it safe and not take any chances to survive." Lisa pinched Jisoo's cheeks. "Now, get some rest. The more you rest the faster you'll get better."

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