Chapter 9

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Jisoo took Lisa's hand and they walk in the pizza place and ordered a pizza before going back to their room. Jisoo changes Lisa clothes for her because her shoulder hurted. Seeing how close they were, Lisa blushed.

They heard a knock at their door. Jisoo opens it to reveal her friend carrying a pizza. Jisoo takes it before closing the door and eating with Lisa.

"You feeling alright?" Jisoo asked.

"Yeah." Lisa smiled.

Suddenly, Jisoo's friend barged in. "Dude, you guys gotta go, there's some people looking for you, come." Her friend takes them to a back door where they get on their car before driving away.

"Where do we go now?" Lisa asked.

"I have no idea.. where do you suggest?" Jisoo panicked.

"Let's get out of the city.." Lisa suggested.

Jisoo drove for hours on end until they arrived at another city. Lisa was asleep, so, Jisoo finds a motel to stay in. She parked the car before carrying Lisa to the room and laying her on the bed. The conditions in the motel was horrible, the ac wasn't working, there were stains on the carpet and the window was dirty and broken.

But, Jisoo covered Lisa with a blanket before sleeping on the couch with rips and rags. She put a blanket on top of the couch to separate her from the dusty and dirty couch.


Jisoo woke up to find her body aching, she couldn't sleep well last night. But despite that, she took a shower before changing into a hoodie, sweatpants and a cap from her bag she brought from the room in the pizza place. Lisa woke up not long after, she finds Jisoo watching the news on the television. 

"Did I wake you up? Sorry.." Jisoo turned off the television.

"No, it's fine." Lisa rubbed her eyes. Her shoulder is almost all good now. She takes a shower before changing her clothes and bandages.

"Did you sleep well?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah." Jisoo lied. She didn't want Lisa to be worried for her.

"Good, let's go get some breakfast." They packed up their things before Lisa took Jisoo's hand and they drove to a nearby cafe.

Lisa was driving, the sun was shining. Suddenly, Jisoo feels a sharp pain in her chest, she grasped her chest tightly and waited for the pain to go away. She tries to hide it.

"You can stay in the car, I'll go get breakfast." Lisa could tell Jisoo didn't sleep well. She covered her face with a mask before entering the cafe and ordering some breakfast.

"An americano and a cappuccino along with 2 jam donuts and 2 croissants, please." Lisa pays with cash before waiting for the food. Lisa returned to the car with her hands filled with food and drinks.

Lisa then drives around until they finds a cheaper motel with better quality and they decides to stay there for some time. Lisa smiles at the sight of Jisoo gleefully munching on the donuts.

"We should probably get some clothes from the clothing store today, we're running out of clean ones." Lisa said. 

They clean up the rubbish after they were finished with their food. Then, they got onto the car. Jisoo drove the both of them to the clothing store.

A sharp pain pierced through her chest again, it hurted even more than last time, Jisoo tries to endure it. She stops midway at the gas station to fill up some gas. She gets inside to the bathroom to wash her face. The pain comes again, this time stronger than ever. 

She sits on the bathroom floor, leaning by the wall and grasping her chest. She takes a few deep breaths and waited, the pain eventually went away. So, she returned to the car and drove to the clothing store.

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