Chapter 10

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Jisoo parked the car before walking inside the store with Lisa. They looked for an hour until they found a bag of shirts and pants they liked. They checked out before Lisa drove them back to the motel.

"You okay? You're really quiet today." Lisa glanced at Jisoo.

"I'm fine.." Jisoo stayed quiet.

Lisa parked the car before walking in their motel room. Jisoo goes to bed while Lisa organizes the clothes they bought. Lisa notices how Jisoo was sweating a lot in her sleep. So, she removes her blanket and cleans up her sweat.


Jisoo wakes up to find herself covered in sweat. Her head was pounding and her chest hurt so badly. 

"Are you okay? Let me take your temperature." Lisa reached for the first aid kit before taking out a thermometer and measuring Jisoo's temperature. "You have a high fever, we have to get you to the hospital!" Lisa helped Jisoo get on the car before they took off to the hospital.

"Y-you can't, they'll find us.." Jisoo said weakly.

"I don't give a fuck about that as long as you're safe." She sped up her car and within minutes, they arrive at the hospital.

Lisa takes Jisoo to the emergency room where everyone recognizes them from the news and from basically everywhere.

"Can you please help my friend? She's really sick." Lisa asked the nurse.

"Aren't you two-" The nurse recognizes them from the news.

"We don't have fucking time for this, just help her." Lisa interrupted. A few people takes Jisoo away and Lisa waits. A few officers then walks in the hospital and takes Lisa away. They drove for hours and hours until they arrived.

"Agent Manoban.. we've been looking all over for you. Now, come clean about your crimes." The new chief said.

"What crimes? I've never commited a crime in my life." Lisa was confused.

"We know you're working with the former chief of FBI. Tell me, where is that escaped convict?" The man interrogated.

"I'm not working with him."Lisa replied.

"I'm not that easy to fool, agent." He chuckled. "The former chief told me, we interrogated him." A man walked into the room.

"Yes, steward, what is it? I'm in a middle of an interrogation." The chief arrogantly asked.

"Sir." The man whispered something into the chief's ear.

"What?! How could he.." 

"What happened?" Lisa asked.

"Well the former chief has escaped again and his accusation have been found to be false. I believe I owe you an apology, agent." The chief sighed. 

"If you want.." Lisa offered. "I can help your team." 

"Well, I'd be delighted to have you on my team.. what would you like in return?" The chief asked.

"Can I ask that my friend in the hospital.. that she'll get treated?" 

"Of course, she'll have the best treatment. And your paycheck will be the same amount as your old ones, is that alright?" 

Lisa nodded in response. "I look forward to working with your team." 

"Amazing, you can start tomorrow morning. And also, your friend has been transported to a hospital in Seoul. It's really impressive how you guys drove so far away into other cities." The chief walked away.

Lisa sighed in relief before walking outside to find a shop so she could sit down and get something to eat. After she finished, she went back to her house and cleaned up from all the dust and reorganized her stuff.

She haven't seen her house in so long. She then took a shower and changed into some new clothes before visiting Jisoo in the hospital. She took a seat beside her.

"The doctors said they don't know when you'll wake up.. I know you're listening to me, the new chief invited me to help him track down your dad. I agreed. I want you to stay by my side. Will you though?" Lisa checked her watch. "I have to go. Promise me you'll wake up soon?" She gently kissed Jisoo's forehead before leaving and returning back to her house.

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