Chapter 12

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"Trainees, today we have a new head that will be in charge of this place, she will be handling who passes and who fails. Please welcome Commander Manoban." Lisa stood in front of the trainees.

"Nice to meet you, I am Commander Manoban and I hope I don't see you in my office." Lisa handed out some crackers before accompanying them to their first shooting training. She took notes on all of the trainees and individually filed them.

"Chung Jae is at the top of the class. Dong Chung Jae. The boy over there." Another coworker pointed to a boy, seemingly focused on shooting. "Poor boy lost his parents few years ago in an accident."

"Thanks." Lisa took more notes. She notices one of the trainees not shooting. She walks over and stands right beside the boy. "Why'd you stop?"

"I don't get what's the point.. the point of all this? We're not even going to use the guns, we're not even going to be agents, probably just staring at a computer screen all day." The boy chuckled.

"Stop." Lisa told all the trainees. "Stand right there." Lisa points at the middle of the target. "If you flinch or cry or whatever, you'll be practicing until midnight, you hear me?"

The boy nods before slowly walking to the center of the target. Lisa reloads the gun and starts shooting. By the end, the boy was bursting into tears.

"Now this is the training for the most important people protecting our country and if you cannot do what you're told to do, you can step out right now and I'll kick you out." Lisa put the gun down before continuing to take notes.

After an hour, everybody except for that one trainee moved onto the next activity, wrestling and fighting. But before that, they had a break. Lisa looked around until she found a bunch of other trainees cornering Dong Chung Jae. 

"I see what you did back there, trying to impress the new commander? All you're ever going to be is a failure, that's why your fucking parents left you." One of the other trainees chuckled.

"Get off of him." Lisa shouted. The trainees immediately dispersed. "You okay?" Lisa handed Chung Jae a bottle of water.

"Thanks." Lisa could see tears on the boy's eyes. 

"Now c'mon, it's almost time for your next class." Lisa helped the boy up before taking him to the next class.

"See all of these punching bags?" Another commander starts speaking. "I need y'all to punch the shit out of them. Pretend it's somebody charging towards you and remember the posture and all kinds of things we've teached you so far." 


Lisa drove to the hospital after work. "Was I too hard on the boy?" She asked herself. She walked in Jisoo's room and sat beside her.

"I got promoted today. Apparently, I'm teaching some trainees that are trying to be agents. Jisoo.. I miss you, all day everyday, all I think about is you. Can you wake up? For me?" Lisa sat there for an hour before kissing Jisoo on the lips and leaving back to the training grounds.

The rest of the trainees are already in their dorm bunks except for the one boy who was still practicing shooting.

"Here." Lisa handed the boy a bottle of water and some food in a small container. "You can stop. You've done enough for today." Lisa brought the boy into her office and tended to his blisters on his hand.

"You should get back to your dorm, it's getting late." Lisa walked him to his dorm.

"Commander?" The boy looked at Lisa. 

"Yeah?" Lisa opened the door to the dorm.

"Thank you." The boy took the container of food before going in the dorm and closing the door to the dorm.

Lisa returned to her house and went to bed.

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