Chapter 11

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Lisa wakes up, she takes a shower before changing into her uniform. Within the busy streets, she gets into a cafe and orders some breakfast before driving to work.

"Agent! I'm so glad to see you. Here are some files, we have a team monitoring most of the security cameras around the areas we think he'll be at. You can study what we're doing first then if you have any extra information we could use, please inform us." The chief handed her the files and showed her her own office.

"Thanks.. but my own office? Isn't this too much?" Lisa stammered.

"No, no, you deserve it." The chief handed her a cup of coffee. "I think you'll need this." Then, he walked away.

The files kept piling on, it was like never ending.

"Erm.. Agent?" A worker knocked on the door.


"The chief told us to come find you if we had any troubles or reports because the chief is out of the department." The worker said. "But we found the convict on the cameras."

Lisa quickly rushed to the cameras where everybody was crowding. 

"Quickly, dispatch 3 officers, heavily armed in a car and 2 officers heavily armed in a truck. And a helicopter as well. 4 people on the helicopter with snipers. But the main goal is to arrest him, okay?" Lisa ordered.

"Understood." The workers started calling out the dispatches. Lisa kept an eye on the security cameras and trailed him.

"Agent?" Another worker walks to her. "The problem is, he is holding somebody in hostage."

"Let me go." Lisa wore her jacket. "Let me get to him."

"Agent, we cannot let you do that." The worker told her.

"I don't care." Lisa got into the car and drove to the scene herself. She arrived and talked to Jisoo's dad.

"Oh, it's you again. Say.. where's my daughter?" He asked.

"That's none of your business anymore. She's old enough to take care of herself. And it's for the better anyways." 

"What did you say? It's for the better?" He releases the hostage by his hand and points the gun at Lisa. "Look, what happened was a misunderstanding, whatever she found, it's not the real me.. not anymore."

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard. Somebody has shot Jisoo's dad on the leg. He fell down after shooting bullets at Lisa but none of them hit her. A bunch of people carried him away on a stretcher. Meanwhile, Lisa sat in the car and thought to herself.

What happened was a misunderstanding, whatever she found, it's not the real me.. not anymore.

"What the fuck did he mean?" Lisa sighed before driving back to the department.

She felt that something wasn't right. Lisa kept reviewing the files over and over again until she leaves after work. She drives to the hospital and sits beside Jisoo, holding her hand.

"We got your dad, it's a matter of time he escapes again. But my coworkers told me he's going to be locked up in a very secure cell." Lisa closed her eyes. "When will you wake up? I miss you so much.. Without you, my world feels like nothing.. please."

Eventually, she left to have some dinner. 


Another day, another disaster without Jisoo. Lisa thought to herself. She showered and had some breakfast before changing and driving to work. Everybody was praising her for what she did yesterday. The chief walked in and everyone was silent. He brought Lisa to his office.

"Great job yesterday, you're going to be promoted, you're not an agent anymore. Your new title is senior commander for any new recruits to the FBI. You're going to accompany them in training and train them. You are a good influence and I want it upon our new recruits." The chief explained. "Here's your new schedule." The chief hands her a chart before sending her off.

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