and we're waiting

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Yelena looks small in her bed. Natasha knows that she's a small person, she barely edges Natasha in height, but something about her looks so small in this bed. She's heard it before in the stories Wanda would read to her to go to bed; the concept of someone looking small in a hospital bed, but until yesterday, she didn't believe it.

Yelena's tucked into the bed, her yellow fuzzy blanket wrapped around her as she sleeps soundly. It vaguely reminds Natasha of when Yelena was younger and would fall asleep in the car on late night drives home.

Kate brought Yelena her pillow, too, before heading out and insisting that she should make sure the dogs are okay. Natasha hopes that Kate won't leave Yelena whenever they get the results, she's been so floaty and weird since everything started.

She sighs, resting her forehead on the heel of her hand. Her head hurts from thinking so much.

The TV is quietly playing in the room and she refocuses on it, it's a random show about something she hasn't been paying much attention to. The doctors said today that they want to run a few more tests, but Natasha really just wants to go back in time before this ever happened. She doesn't want her little sister to be sick.

The door eventually opens, revealing Wanda with a bag in hand and a hoodie draped over her arm.

"Hey," she says softly, sitting next to Natasha on the couch.

"Hi," Natasha responds, readjusting on the couch so that she's facing Wanda. God, they just got engaged four days ago. They should be celebrating.

"You need sleep," Wanda chides quietly, rubbing Natasha's leg, "Did you ever sleep last night?"

Natasha shakes her head, not meeting her fiancée's eyes and instead resting her head against the back of the couch. She can't help it, the staff was gracious enough to give her a cot to sleep on, but her brain wouldn't shut up. She doesn't know how Yelena's been able to sleep in this place.

"Do you want to eat something?" Wanda asks, grabbing the bag from where she put it on the ground.

"Where's Anya?" Natasha questions in return, unable to stomach the idea of food right now.

"She's with Kate. They both need a distraction, I think they said something about going to the tower for the day. Depending on how Yelena's feeling, Anya could come visit tonight," Wanda explains, rifling through the bag and pulling out a ginger ale. "This might make you feel better."

Natasha sighs, "Wanda-"

Her phone buzzes from its spot on the couch and Natasha grabs it, seeing that it's Clint and standing up, "I need to take this. Don't leave her alone and please tell me if anything happens."

"Okay," Wanda nods, and Natasha's sure that if she looked, she'd see the disappointment on her face, but she doesn't.

She steps out into the hallway, pressing the phone to her ear, "Hey."

"Hey, how's your sister?"

"Asleep," Natasha responds, leaning against the wall and closing her eyes.

"And you?" he asks, some kind of dad tone to his voice. She hates when he does that and he knows it.

"More worried about her," she says, relieved at the fact the wing she's in is relatively not-busy.

"Uh-huh," Clint retorts, "I'm assuming you haven't gotten test results back yet, so... who do you want to come visit? Me or Laura?"

"Clint, your kids are in the middle of the school year, you're not coming to visit right now," Natasha grits her teeth, "We're managing fine right now."

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