the bee's knee

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might do a double update today if y'all make me laugh with some comments

"She's being dramatic," Wanda's voice comes over the speaker of the phone and Kate laughs.

"Wanda jinxed me!" Natasha exclaims before coughing, "Jesus. I swear, I was fine this morning."

"That's happened to me before," Kate shrugs, watching as Natasha glances off to the side of the screen (probably at Wanda), "Wake up with just a minor fever or something, decide to sleep it off and wake up worse."

"See, Nat, it's science," Wanda comments, making Natasha pull a face.

"I don't give a shit about science, I just want this stupid shit to go away," Natasha whines, making Kate laugh.

She looks up from her phone, heart stopping for a second when she sees one of Yelena's doctors walk out.

The doctor sits down across from her, facing her with a small smile, "Everything went well. It turns out, there was a bit more cancer than we could see with the scans, but we were able to resect the rest of the tumor and have clean margins. She's in recovery right now and we'll let you know when she's back in her room."

"She's okay?" Natasha calls out from the phone.

Kate can't help but laugh a little, "Sorry, that's her sister," she shows the doctor the phone, "and her fiancée."

The doctor smiles, "Yelena's okay. She's in recovery right now and we got clean margins."

"Thank you," Natasha says before Kate faces the phone back towards herself.

"Thank you," Kate echoes, "How long should it be before I can see her?"

"Only another hour or so," the doctor stands and squeezes Kate's shoulder, "Someone will be down to bring you up there. Maybe get something to eat while you're waiting."

"Okay," Kate offers a small smile, "Thank you again."

"No problem, Kate," the doctor smiles back at her before leaving.

Yelena's okay. Oh thank god.


"I can't believe that you made me sick," Natasha grumbles over her bowl of soup.

Wanda snorts, "I did not make you sick."

"I wasn't sick until you and Kate forced me to take that stupid medication," Natasha whines, stirring her soup absentmindedly before coughing and letting out a quiet "ugh."

"You're gonna be fine, love," Wanda assures her, enjoying her own soup in the meantime.she keeps an eye on Natasha, though, making sure her fiancée isn't starving herself. It's a battle that she's had to fight before.

Eventually, Natasha giver up and Wanda gives in, and Wanda finds herself filling and starting the dishwasher. As she finishes, Wanda realizes that she hasn't heard from Anya in a while.

So, she makes her way to Anya's from, knocking gently and waiting for a "What's up?" before opening the door.

Anya's laying on her bed, Fanny at her side and Lucky on his bed in the corner of the room.

"Hey, how are you?" Wanda asks softly,sitting on the bed when Anya moves over.

"I'm okay," Anya shifts, looking at Wanda in the way that Natasha does when she's trying to figure out what's wrong. Wanda wonders how it's so similar when they aren't actually related.

"Any word on how Yelena's doing?" Anya asks.

"She's not awake," Wanda shrugs, "or if she is,Kate hasn't said anything yet. I'm not too worried, pain meds seem to have a drowsy effect on her, anyway."

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