recovering in times of impatience

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alright - another one for you guys! don't thank me yet tho, this one's a lil angsty


Yelena grinned, lowering the bow and looking back at Kate, "How was that?"

"It was great," Kate kissed her quickly, arms not leaving from where they were wrapped around her waist, "I told you shooting arrows is fun."

"It's old school," Yelena responded with a playful grin, shifting her weight to her left leg, "I bet I could do it with my non-dominant hand."

"Oh, really?" Kate's arms dropped from around her waist as she walked over to clear their targets, "I'd like to see you try."

"I'll get a hand guard for my other hand and we'll do it," Yelena assured her, confidence bubbling in her chest. She walks back over to the folding chairs they'd brought up and reaches into the cooler, grabbing a water bottle.

She sat down in the chair and gently set Kate's bow in the other one, watching as her girlfriend sang along to the music coming from the speaker they'd brought up and collected the arrows.

Kate finally walked back over and gingerly put her bow off to the side before sitting down next to Yelena, "Thank you, Lena. This has been a wonderful birthday."

"Of course," Yelena smiled softly, "I hope you know that I'm serious about the non-dominant hand thing, by the way."

"I wouldn't expect anything less."

"Can we travel when this is all over?"

Kate looks up from where she's been eating her breakfast, "Huh?"

"Like," Yelena shifts, laying on her side and ignoring her own food - a french toast bagel toasted with cream cheese (it's weirdly good, Yelena can't explain it) -, "Traveling. I've only ever traveled while being subjugated or on assignment."

"Like how when we first met you wanted to explore the city?" Kate asks, and Yelena nods. Kate shrugs, "Okay."

Yelena waits a second before saying, "Your lack of questioning is weird, Kate Bishop."

"Your lack of acknowledgment over what happened yesterday is weird," Kate retorts before taking a bite of her breakfast sandwich.

Yelena furrows her eyebrows. She got her leg amputated yesterday. It's not like she's keeping that a secret. Just... why talk about it?

"You can't acknowledge what's not there," Yelena quips as she grabs her bagel off of the overbed table and takes a bite of it.

Kate chokes, "Jesus Christ, Yelena."

"What?" Yelena teases, laughing when Kate shakes her head and seemingly refuses to acknowledge the comment.

Luckily, she doesn't actually have to, because the door opens and in walk Laura and Wanda.

"Good morning," Kate greets, finally done with her food, "How are you guys?"

"Laura came over for breakfast," Wanda sits down on the couch in the room.

Laura nods, "She made eggs and toast. It was nice to have food that I didn't have to cook, I have to admit."

"Clint doesn't know how to cook?" Yelena gapes, waiting for a nod before looking to Kate, "Maybe it's a hawkeye thing."

"I've gotten better!" Kate exclaims, "Lena, you said I've gotten better."

"Mm," Yelena shrugs, earning a displeased scoff from Kate.

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