reality is so much better

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thank you all for reading this - i hope you enjoy this last chapter :)

"You look like a lesbian," Natasha comments, fixing the collar of Wanda's flannel, "a rare breed, too, the patriotic kind."

"I'm not a lesbian," Wanda replies, letting Natasha keep doing her work. Natasha grabs one of her necklaces off of the dresser and puts it around Wanda's neck, "how do you keep your necklaces on all the time, Nat? I swear, I think they're going to choke me if I sleep in them."

Natasha shrugs, kissing Wanda's cheek, "Can't lose them if I never take them off."

She walks back over to the closet and pulls on a navy blue t-shirt with a v-neck that shows off her necklaces but doesn't feel inappropriate.

Wanda hums as she puts her rings on, "I was enjoying you walking around without a shirt on."

"I'm sure you were," Natasha smirks, grabbing her socks off of the bed, "We don't have to rush, by the way, we still have some time before Clint's expecting us."

Wanda sits on the bed, looking at Natasha as she lays back against their pillows, "Are you excited to move into our new home?"

Natasha nods, "Of course. And you do realize that we will be adopting a cat sooner or later, right?"

"Mhm," Wanda nods, "We... we'll finally get some peace. It's refreshing."

Natasha nods, hands growing clammy as a confession sits on the tip of her tongue.

Wanda picks up on it instantly - which, of course, it's literally her superpower - and narrows her eyes, "What?"

Natasha sighs, sitting up so that she can look her wife in the eye, "I got a call from Maria the other day. She's... apparently, SHIELD is coming back into the public eye and she's going to be the director."

Wanda doesn't say anything, so Natasha continues, "She's asked me to take a role in the organization. Just for a little while, maybe a year? It's just for public appeal - I mean, I'm the one that came back from the dead and SHIELD was my entire life until it fell and I became part of the Avengers full time. What do you think?"

"You seem pretty sold on it," Wanda says carefully, and Natasha knows that she's trying to read her body language - mainly because she taught Wanda how to do it. "Are you going to take it?"

"I said I would talk to you first," Natasha replies simply, shifting so that her legs are crossed, "You're my wife."

"And we have a daughter," Wanda adds softly, "and potentially a cat."

Natasha bites her lip. They have a daughter, even though sometimes it feels like she's an awkward stepmom that Anya got stuck with. She sighs.

"I wouldn't be going on missions," Natasha diverts the conversation, "I would be more of a figurehead than anything else. It'd be a come home for dinner and sleep in bed with you and have weekends to do whatever we want kind of thing."

Wanda sighs, "I don't see it."

"What about it don't you see?" Natasha asks, furrowing her eyebrows. It's pretty plain and simple in her opinion.

"You have never been the one to sit around and work at a computer," Wanda tells her, "You have always been the person that's hands on, jumping before you're told and fighting battles that you have no real business fighting. I mean, Nat, you're still human at the end of the day."

"I know," Natasha says softly, "I'm older now, though, Wanda. I... I work out in the mornings and then spend most of my days just taking care of Lena and now she's close to being better but I need something to do."

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