poking and prodding

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look it's another one!! i'm on my shit today :)

Yelena doesn't enjoy the tenseness in the room.

She doesn't enjoy the way Natasha has been looking at her so pitifully.

She's sure that if she hears something about the way that she's feeling one more time that she's going to scream.

It's been three hours since the chemotherapy bullshit and she just wants Kate to come over and play UNO with her. She's determined to beat Isabel (who, even though it's Monday, she will not be seeing today).

Natasha keeps telling her to take it easy and she understands, but she doesn't want to keep being tethered down. It's obnoxious. She's literally beaten and murdered people while feeling worse.

She glances at her leg, irritated. She shouldn't have to deal with this shit. She's far better than it. She's also far better than Natasha's hovering.

Yelena finally reaches over and grabs her phone, opening up the messaging app and sending a text to Kate.

Please come. Very bored.

Kate's reply is almost immediate with a simple Okay and Yelena finds it a little easier to breathe after that. She's more focused on the fact that once she gets through this "cycle" (so they called it) she can go home. The plan decided was she'll do a few days straight before getting three weeks to recover as opposed to coming in every week.

It's simpler. She doesn't want to deal with something every other week when she could just be miserable for one and focus on feeling better for the rest of the month.

(Besides, the sooner she gets out of here, the sooner Natasha will stop hovering. God, she wants Natasha to stop hovering.)

She twists her ring, hoping Kate figured out a way to teleport. She's over waiting.

Luckily, she hasn't felt any more like shit since the chemo this morning, she just feels overwhelmingly irritated. Natasha won't even look at her and when she does, it's always the pity look. She wonders if this is what Kate felt like with her mom (except Kate's mom never really had a reason to be pitiful of her phenomenal daughter, so, there's that).

There's a knock at the door and Yelena mutters a come in that she's surprised is heard on the other side.

"Hey, Yelena," it's Yelena's nurse, a woman that probably isn't too much taller than her, with dark hair kept in neat braids that fall around her shoulders in a variety of different colors. Her scrubs have Disney characters on the top and she always wears black bottoms and red sneakers.

"Hey," Yelena offers a half-assed smile, only half paying attention to how Natasha immediately dismisses herself, "what do you need from me?"

"Just checking in, don't worry," she smiles, immediately looking at the IV bag and the computer, "you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Yelena says softly, "um, this morning, the doctor told me to take it easy with food, but I'm hungry."

"Well," the nurse smiles, "her name is Dr. Perez, first of all. She's basically going to be your best friend through all of this aside from me, so you should learn her name."

Yelena rolls her eyes, a little smile on her face. She's glad that at least someone is treating her normally.

"Fine. Dr. Perez. And you're Melissa," Yelena retorts, "Now, please, what are my options?"

"Anything light," she replies, "pain level?"

"Ten if I don't eat something," Yelena snarks dryly, giving in when Melissa gives her a look, "Two."

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