kid or kids

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well. wandanat are... let's see! also there's like 13 chapters left, cherish these!

"This show is so stupid," Yelena comments, running her hand over Kate's hair, "there's no way that any of this shit would happen in a hospital."

"Suspend your disbelief, Lena," Kate responds, eyes still focused on the computer screen, "I've watched this show backward and forwards like sixty times, just try to enjoy it, okay?"

"Fine," Yelena grumbles, focusing back on the show, "I still think the little dude is stupid."

"That's fine, I don't like George anyway," Kate replies, nuzzling against Yelena, "I'm tired."

"Then go back to sleep," Yelena kisses her head, "It's still early."

"But you're awake," Kate responds, looking away from the laptop and at Yelena, "I'm not just gonna leave you alone."

"You need sleep," Yelena furrows her eyebrows, "You look like shit."

"Wow, okay, rude!" Kate exclaims, moving her head so she can watch the show again, "for the record, I still think you're beautiful."

"I never said not beautiful," Yelena defends herself, not even faking her attention on the show anymore, "I said you look like you need sleep. Which you do."

"Whatever," Kate says softly.

"I love you," Yelena tries, smiling when she feels Kate's face move against her shoulder, "Kate Bishop."

"I love you, too, Lena," Kate smiles up at her, readjusting so that she could kiss Yelena when the door opens.

Natasha walks in, and immediately Yelena knows something's wrong.

"What happened?"

Natasha sits down on the couch in the room, flexing her fingers repeatedly as she seemingly figures out what to say. She really doesn't look happy.

"Tasha, what happened?" Yelena asks, barely noticing how Kate's fully alert now and has turned off the laptop.

Natasha holds her head in her hands and then huffs, "I don't know."

"Well, something's wrong," Yelena retorts, "so what happened?"

"I..." Natasha sighs, "Wanda wants more kids."

Yelena narrows her eyes, waiting for some kind of elaboration. When she realizes that she's not going to get any, she sits up a little bit, "And?"

Natasha groans, "I don't want more kids."

Kate cocks her head, "I thought you wanted-"

"Not the time," Yelena hisses, "so this is about... the future Maxi-Romanoffs? Can't you two not even get pregnant?"

"We adopted Anya," Natasha messes with a loose thread on her jacket, "I don't know what it is, I don't know how to describe it... I just... I don't want more kids. I want a cat, I want a house... but I'm very content with just Anya and Wanda."

"Did you tell her that?" Kate asks, and Natasha leans back on the sofa.

"Did you?" Yelena pesters when they get no response, watching her sister's body language very carefully.

"I told her I'd sleep on it," Natasha says softly, "but it didn't help, and now... she's still asleep and I'm here."

"Wanda's a smart woman, she's going to figure out where you are at some point," Yelena points out, "honestly, she doesn't even need to be that smart for this one, it's pretty simple if you have more than one-"

till forever falls apartWhere stories live. Discover now