moms momming

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Wanda's not used to having the house alone anymore. From dog-sitting to having a teenager, her life alone has virtually disappeared.

She used to spend so much time alone, but she can't say she doesn't like having people around. Even at the compound (which she didn't spend too much time at, to be fair), she enjoyed having people around, even though she didn't talk to most of them.

Really, she only talked to Sam, Steve, Vision, and Natasha. Being around Tony was like reopening an old wound, Rhodey spent far more time flaking in and out of things, and Bruce and Thor were off planet.

Either way, she's spent the afternoon cleaning up the apartment. That included a lot of vacuuming - the apartment still seems to be recovering from having two dogs around -, did dishes, and managed to do a little bit of grocery shopping as well.

Now, as she's halfway through an episode of How I Met Your Mother, particularly The Pompissible, Natasha and Anya finally come home.

"Wanda," Natasha's voice has some kind of warning in it, "your daughter did something."

"It's not a big deal," Anya argues as they reveal themselves to her.

It takes Wanda a second to register that Anya's long dark hair is now gone and that the dark blue knit beanie on her head is covering just skin, but when she does, she glances at Natasha.

"It's not a big deal," Wanda echoes, standing from the couch and walking over, "Does this mean that Yelena cut hers, too?"

Natasha nods, "She doesn't seem too happy about it."

"To be completely honest, this had like, only, 60% to do with Yelena," Anya says, going straight for the kitchen for something to eat. Something that Wanda's realized over the two months Anya's been here is that she eats a lot.

Wanda can't say she relates - she remembers being hungry a lot as a teenager, but she was also imprisoned and given rations that were barely enough for a toddler. So, she ends up letting Anya eat as she pleases, especially since doing research she's learned that growing teenagers eat a lot. It's probably normal.

(Besides, they don't keep a ton of junk food and Anya normally resorts to protein bars. So, she can't complain.)

Natasha nudges her side, "She shaved her head."

"And?" Wanda glances at her, "Hair grows back."

Natasha huffs through gritted teeth, "I know that. I dyed my hair blue when I was ten. But what if she wakes up tomorrow and hates it? Or she hates us for not stopping her? Or-"

"Nat," Wanda locks eyes with her, "She's safe. It's just hair, and if she freaks out, she can buy a wig. Now, did you eat dinner? How's your sister?"

"I didn't," Natasha admits softly, standing a little closer to her and intertwining their fingers, "she did, though. Apparently they ordered Chinese."

"That's good," Wanda kisses her cheek, "I'll make us something. And maybe her highness can have some, too."

She raises her voice so Anya can hear her and earns a little bashful smile from it.

After finishing dinner, Anya disappears into her room and Natasha and Wanda find themselves quietly cleaning up the kitchen together. There are very few words exchanged, and it's peaceful in a way that settles any anxieties that Wanda has, and once they're done they settle into bed in much the same way.

It's all a stark contrast to last night, and while she doesn't want to bring all of that up because she enjoys the peace, she can't help but want to ask.

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