nerves on fire

254 11 2

lol i forgot that i had to post this - i swear i'm gonna catch up!! enjoy this one tho

Anya glances at the clock on the oven.

8:56 sits proudly in blue numbers, and she sighs, looking back at the TV. It's playing an episode of How I Met Your Mother, Natasha's favorite show. She was hoping it'd make her feel better, but all she can think about is how much she misses her almost-moms.

(Almost only because she's scared to call them that.)

She finally decides to turn off the TV and gets up off the couch, lazily stretching her body out before walking to her room, Fanny and Lucky both following her. They've been staying here since Yelena was hospitalized - something she really doesn't want to think about, she remembers vaguely having a grandfather that died of cancer when she was younger and everyone was so sad. She doesn't want that again.

She doesn't bother to close the bed to her room, knowing the dogs like to float between different areas in the apartment, and instead just goes and lays right on her bed.

Absentmindedly, she wonders if Natasha and Wanda are coming home tonight. She thinks Wanda will, she has thus far, but Natasha's far more questionable in that department. And even when she is home, she's just wanting to go back to the hospital. It's exhausting.

Anya reaches under the bed and grabs the laptop that Wanda and Natasha bought her, flipping it open and immediately turning on music. She's sure if she's left alone any longer with her thoughts she might implode.

Halfway through her listening of RED (a Kate recommendation, naturally), she hears the front door open and Lucky immediately darts out of the room. Fanny, on the other hand, refuses to be bothered and keeps on sleeping, head lolled over the side of the beanbag and tail thumping in her sleep periodically.

Anya doesn't make an effort to move, either, knowing Natasha or Wanda would just come in anyway, and turns her music down in preparation.

Sure enough, she hears a knock on the doorjamb and rolls over, glancing at the intruder.

"Hey," Wanda smiles softly, "can I come in?"

Anya nods, moving over on her bed and making sure her laptop has enough room where it won't fall.

Wanda sits on the bed, crossing her legs and letting out a surprised noise when Lucky launches himself on to the bed and practically into her lap.

She runs her fingers through his fur, "Did you eat dinner?"

Anya shakes her head, "They're fed. I wasn't hungry."

"That's what Nat says," Wanda points out, "she insists she wasn't hungry, but it turns out, she's too lazy to make anything for herself."

Well, maybe Anya didn't need to get called out exactly like that...

"Where is Nat?" Anya switches the topic, absentmindedly running a hand through her hair as she sits up.

"She'll be home in an hour, tops. Or, she better be, because I'll rip her out of that hospital myself if she isn't," Wanda responds with a hint of annoyance in her voice. It's unsettling, Anya doesn't like the idea of them fighting.

"Isn't Yelena starting chemo tomorrow?" Anya asks softly. She's sure that Yelena's chemo is going to keep them at the hospital even more and she's kind of over being alone.

"Yes... Nat wants to leave early to see her, but..." Wanda tilts her head, as if she's trying to piece together what she wants to say, "you know when you first moved in with us, you spent a lot of time alone because you weren't used to spending so much time with other people?"

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