no don't do that

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lmao i almost forgot to post today, anyway, here it is! v soft chapter for you guys :)

Kate has to be back at the hospital by now.

She's running behind. She got caught up talking to Wanda on the phone about the dogs and let Wanda complain a little longer about her sick fiancée (who, by the way, has since lost her fever).

Either way, she was supposed to be back at the hospital by now. She really hopes that Yelena's not too upset about that.

Instead, she's now wandering around her room with a purple flannel in between her teeth as she looks for a plain t-shirt. Why does she seem to have no plain t-shirts?

She quickly grabs a pair of dark jeans and slips them on, now donned only in those, a bra, and the flannel in her mouth. If she weren't going to a hospital and spending the rest of the night in, she'd honestly ditch the idea of a shirt altogether, but here she is.

"Fuck," Kate closes her dresser drawer, deciding that she's going to go through her closet instead.

Her phone buzzes on the nightstand, and her heart drops. What if Yelena's dead?

She quickly rushes over and sees that it's just Peter on the other end and picks up.

She throws the flannel on and greets him with a, "Hey, what's up?"

"I'm... in the middle of something and I want to run it by you," Peter says, and Kate crinkles her eyebrows, confused. What the hell is she ever going to be helpful with?

She puts the phone down on her dresser and puts it on speaker, "I can try."

"I'm thinking about dropping out of MIT," Peter blurts out after a few seconds of silence.

Kate really didn't think that that was going to be the thing that came out of his mouth. She looks back at the phone even though she knows Peter can't see her, "Really?"

"Yeah," Peter sounds sheepish, "It's just... I don't know. It's so overwhelming, I hate it."

Kate grimaces, "You're calling me because..."

"You dropped out, didn't you?"

"No," Kate grits her teeth, going on Yelena's side of the closet now and grabbing one of her bigger black shirts, "I got kicked out. For destroying the Stane Bell Tower. I think I did that school a favor, Stane sucked, but... no. Didn't drop out."

"Oh," Peter responds, sounding a little dejected, "I'm sorry for bothering you, Kate."

"You're not bothering me," Kate shrugs off the flannel and puts the shirt on, it fitting perfectly and smelling perfectly like Yelena. She puts the flannel back on over the shirt, "You're serious, though? You're dropping out of college?"

"I'm thinking about it," Peter corrects softly, almost as if he's trying to convince himself otherwise, "I dunno. Mr. Stark told me about how he traveled around Europe in the middle of college, maybe I could do something like that? I just feel like I need a break."

"Okay," Kate adjusts the collar of her flannel in the mirror, panicking when she sees Yelena calling and hangs up on her in favor of getting a last word in, "Listen, I won't tell anyone. But I have somewhere to be right now... Yelena got her leg amputated yesterday and I gotta head down to the hospital with dinner, I'm sorry. I would keep talking if I could."

"Oh, no!" Peter exclaims, "It's okay! I'm sorry. You don't need my drama on top of your own. I'll leave you to it."

"Peter," Kate sighs, pulling on socks, "Call me again, soon. Or at least talk to MJ or Ned about it. This is an important decision and they're your best friends."

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