confessions of an aries

147 8 2

the title of this one makes me giggle every time

As Kate watches her girlfriend lay in a hospital bed again, she wonders how much longer she can keep being okay with all of this.

Eight months ago it was August. Things were starting to fall apart and they were both aware of it, but they still had their good days. And one of their good days involved Kate picking Yelena up in much of the same manner as she did yesterday.

Yelena was heavier then. When she picked Yelena up last night, she was lighter. So much lighter. And she knows it's a side effect of the chemo - the lack of appetite and the inability to keep the muscle that she once toned every day - but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

Kate decides that she needs to stop thinking about it and instead plays with her fingers and waits for a doctor, wanting answers. Why did Yelena faint? Is it going to happen again? Should she be worried? Should she faint-proof the house?

No, no. No spiraling right now. That's not going to do anyone any good.

Luckily, she doesn't have to do it much longer because Natasha comes in with Anya and Wanda and that big sister look on her face. At least Kate can share the worry now.

"What happened?" Natasha asks immediately.

"No hello?" Yelena retorts sleepily, "Jesus, Tasha, have some manners."

"Well, now we know she's fine," Anya comments and Yelena snorts.

"I told Kate Bishop we didn't need to come here," Yelena says dejectedly, "but no, apparently fainting is a cause for concern."

"None of this is helping me understand what happened," Natasha retorts.

"Nat, calm down," Wanda tells her gently, "She's doing okay. Let's just wait for Perez to give us the rundown."

"They took my blood," Yelena says, showing off the bandage in the crook of her arm without an IV in it, "very rude, honestly."

"The nurse was very nice about it," Kate adds, spirits admittedly lifted now that there are other people here and Yelena's talking.

Obviously more awake now, Yelena tells them what happened. They were going into the kitchen to make breakfast (Yelena had insisted that she'd at least need to sit in and make sure Kate wasn't burning anything) when Yelena collapsed. It was scary and, for Yelena, blurry, but Kate insisted on getting her checked out even though Yelena woke up a minute later completely fine.

"I'm not taking any chances," Kate says softly, shooting a look in Yelena's direction that shuts her up.

"Can I take some time with Yelena, please?" Natasha asks, "Wanda got Chinese food if you're hungry."

"Yeah," Kate sighs, getting up from her seat and letting Wanda lead her and Anya out of the room.

Kate glances at Anya, "You gonna let your hair grow out?"

"Nah," Anya runs a hand over her buzz cut, "Mom got me some dye, I'm gonna bleach it and make it rainbow."

Kate shoots a look at Wanda. She didn't know that Anya had started referring to her like that. She looks back at Anya, "That's badass."

"I thought so," Anya grins, "Did I tell you that I found out when my birthday is? Nat poked around in some of the Red Room files and found it."

"When is it?" Kate asks, noticing that Wanda's not following them anymore and is instead standing across the hall from Yelena's room. Kate's pretty sure that that means the two of them are on their own for the time being.

till forever falls apartWhere stories live. Discover now