recovery is a bitch (yelena's words)

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home stretch y'all!!! ily and thank you for reading <3

The first week of recovery finds Yelena back in her world of boredom. She really doesn't like it, she finds herself really missing the time when she had choices to do whatever she wanted versus now, where she can't do anything she wants because of the handicap of not being able to walk.

Stupid stump.

She's finally back home and she's six days post-op. Kate's been good, making sure she's set wherever she is and letting Yelena boss her around to make dinner. Yelena's especially lucky that Kate can pick things up when she puts her mind to it - even if she's a little wary when cooking certain things. They've made some pretty good dishes with Yelena dictating what to do.

But she still hates it. She's bored, she's beaten the games that Kate's bought and Anya doesn't come over often enough to finish their Stardew Valley game together. The only one she hasn't truly finished is Minecraft - a game that Kate says was popular a little over ten years ago. It's fun for a little while, but she doesn't like not having a goal.

She's also watched all of the interesting movies on Netflix - which, to be fair, is like five of them, and she could watch Grey's Anatomy with Kate, but that means that they both need to feel like watching it and Yelena hasn't gotten attached enough to care yet.

(She also found the Westview documentary on Hulu that detailed what happened with Wanda in some kind of fuck the avengers lens that Yelena understands but doesn't fully agree with. Knowing Wanda sets a different perspective on everything.)

But tomorrow, Laura's going home, so everyone's coming over for game night and pizza before she goes. Wanda and Natasha did offer to host, but after Yelena told them that it'd be more of a hassle thanks to the stupid wheelchair, they agreed to have the night there on the condition that they paid for the food instead of Kate and Yelena.

Yelena wasn't about to argue with free food.

So, she's waiting for them to arrive and snuggling with Fanny. She missed her baby too much while she was in the hospital.

Lucky's around, probably following Kate as she cleans their room up and whatever the hell else she's been up to.

The front door opens not too much later and the others come in. Natasha gives Yelena a hug while Wanda greets Kate and Anya and Laura settle themselves on the couch and armchair in the living room.

Natasha sits down next to Yelena, "You look bored out of your mind."

"I wonder why," Yelena responds dryly, fidgeting with the sleeves of her hoodie, "Did you guys order food yet?"

"We thought we'd wait until we got here," Natasha shrugs, "what've you been doing to keep busy?"

"Nothing," Yelena sighs dramatically, "well, I've watched a couple of things and played a couple of games but... I miss being able to do what I wanted. And working at that womens center, that was nice."

Natasha nods, "We can back into that once you're less of a mess."

"Thanks," Yelena replies, watching as Kate comes over and sits on the arm of the couch that Yelena was leaning against, "Hi, Kate Bishop."

"Hello," Kate gently fixes Yelena's beanie, "what kind of pizza do you want?"

"I'm okay with anything," Yelena responds, smiling at the way that Kate keeps her hands on her shoulders as she moves to ask the rest of the room their preferences. Her thumbs gently rub at her muscles and stay consistent through her conversating. It's comforting.

Yelena even tunes out the conversation - she truly is willing to try anything and they have hot sauce in the fridge for her to spice her slices up however she wishes - but when she tunes back in, Natasha's making a suggestion.

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