her diagnosis

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When the doctors come and officially announce Yelena's diagnosis, the switch in moods is immediate.

Yelena doesn't remember the word, it started with an O and her brain was too full of when can I leave for any other thoughts to truly permeate.

That question was answered rather quickly with the introduction of an oncologist - a cancer doctor - named Dr. Leana Perez - who carefully explained that they wanted to take an aggressive approach and stop the cancer from moving (which, like, what. ) and gave Natasha a packet with more information.

There's also a conversation about surgery and more scans and more tests and all Yelena really hears is that her future is the four walls of this hospital room. She also doesn't like the word surgery based on her prior experiences, but she doesn't say anything. They probably wouldn't know how to react.

They all finally leave and Kate's still sitting in bed with her, arm wrapped around her shoulders and cheek pressed against her head. She really missed Kate.

"Lena," Natasha's voice is warning and Yelena turns her head slightly to look at her, "you really should read this."

"It's going to happen regardless of if I read it or not," Yelena responds, glancing at Anya at the end of the bed and deciding to switch the topic entirely, "It's getting late."

"Yeah, we should probably get home," Wanda says, taking the packet from Natasha and handing it to Yelena, "Nat, you're coming home."

"I'm staying with her," Natasha retorts, grabbing at the packet but giving up once Yelena hands it to Kate.

"Kate's staying," Wanda insists, standing up and glancing at Anya in some kind of practiced motherly way, "We're going home, you're going to sleep, and we'll come back in the morning."

"With Clint," Kate adds, and Wanda nods.

"I'm not leaving," Natasha says, still sitting down on the cot, "She's my sister."

Kate leans over and whispers something in her ear, "I'm going to say something. Go with it."

Yelena nods and Kate clears her throat, "Nat, do you really want to stick around with your sister and recently reunited girlfriend? All night? Right there?"

Yelena stifles a laugh, happy that she let Kate take the reigns. Sometimes lies are completely justified and this is definitely one of those times.

"You two can't do that in a hospital," Natasha scoffs, but Yelena can see that she's getting uncomfortable.

"I've done worse things," Yelena shrugs, smiling when Kate squeezes her hand, "besides, Wanda's right, you need sleep. You look like shit."

"Yelena, I'm just looking out for you," Natasha says softly.

"You're gonna come back tomorrow," Yelena replies, "now go! Or I will be a real little sister and call Mama on you."

Natasha rolls her eyes, an amused smile on her face.

"Fine. Don't boink in here, though," she gets up, pressing a kiss to Yelena's forehead and hugging her, "I love you."

"Love you too," Yelena says, resting back against Kate's chest when Natasha parts from her. "Take a shower!"

"Bye," Yelena and Kate wave to the little family as they leave.

"Y'know, Nat was right, you really should read this," Kate says, paging through the packet, "do you know the side effects of the chemo?"

"No," Yelena responds, glancing down at the paper, "what does it say?"

"Fatigue," Kate reads off, "so more naps, I guess. You're gonna be pretty boring to be around if you're sleeping all the time."

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