longing for more

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Wanda sets her keys on the hooks by the door, her entire body screaming at her to lay down and finally get some rest.

It's late, definitely past midnight, and Wanda isn't 100% sure what kept her so late, but she longs to curl into bed with her wife.

She puts her bag down on the couch before going upstairs and bee-lining to their bedroom.

Despite Natasha being the only one supposed to be asleep in the bed, it's crowded with three other bodies.

Billy and Tommy are laid in the middle of the bed, faces barely showing in the light from the street shining in through the window, and Anya's curled into Natasha's side. Wanda's heart warms and she can't help but hope the kids never grow out of crawling into their bed at night.

She quickly grabs a pair of pajama shorts and one of Natasha's t-shirts, changing in the bathroom before coming back out again. She crawls under the covers with her family, an arm curling around the boys before she closes her eyes and sinks into the moment.

Wanda blinks, chest caving in when she realizes that no one's in bed with her. Natasha's gone, Anya probably stayed the night in her room, and her boys...

She doesn't want to think about it.

She gets out of bed, blinking as she reorients herself for standing and moving over to the closet. She grabs one of Natasha's hoodies, slipping it on and trying to reacclimate to what she does have. She has Natasha. She has Anya. Natasha has Yelena and Yelena has Kate and this life is good. She's okay.

She leans against the wall of the closet, pulling the collar of the hoodie over her nose and breathing in the scent of her fiancée. Things are okay. Yelena's in the hospital, but to be fair, she hasn't had to think about the world ending in almost three years. Things are good.

Wanda finally readjusts, stretching out her muscles that are still stiff with sleep, and emerges from the closet and heads down the hallway to the kitchen.

Natasha's sat on the counter - because what else is new - and Anya's at the island, both of them holding bowls of cereal and talking quietly.

"Good morning," Wanda announces her presence and she immediately notices how Natasha's face lights up a little bit. Pride swims around her chest, she can't help but love Natasha more knowing that she elicits that reaction.

"Morning, babe," Natasha hops down and gives Wanda a marshmallow-tasting kiss.

"Hi," Wanda nuzzles their noses together and she ignores how Anya fake-gags from where she is, "y'know, you could've woken me up instead of eating literal sugar for breakfast."

"Hey, sugar's good," Anya protests as Natasha and Wanda pull apart, one of Wanda's hands resting on the small of her fiancée's back, "also, you two are gross."

"Yeah, Wanda, sugar's good," Natasha says before shoveling another spoonful into her mouth.

"I'm not saying it's not," Wanda responds, moving a few of Natasha's stray baby hairs out of her face, "I'm just saying I can cook better."

"You were sleeping," Natasha shrugs, "besides, we'll get something good for lunch, okay?"

"Alright," Wanda smiles softly, "so, what's the plan for today? Have you heard from Yelena?"

"Heard from Kate," Natasha's posture changes ever-so-slightly and Wanda can tell it's not great news that's about to come out, "Apparently, Lena woke up this morning and felt nauseous, which is expected, but she hasn't wanted to eat all morning. She's also arguing with Kate about stupid things, apparently, but... I don't know."

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