necklace of secrets

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including this one there's only three to go... i'm mourning this story all over again

"I'm so tired," Yelena whines, lying down on the couch. She's been in physical therapy all morning and now really feels like it should be naptime.

"How long do you want to sleep?" Kate asks, running her fingers along Yelena's back. "And do you need to shower?"

"Yes," Yelena leans into Kate's ministrations lazily.

"We could tell them to come over later," Kate suggests, referencing how Wanda and Natasha and Anya are supposed to be coming for lunch.

Yelena hums lazily, shifting so that she can rest her weight against Kate. Kate takes that as an invitation to wrap her arms around Yelena, holding her snugly against her body.

"How's the scar, Lena?" Kate asks softly.

"Aches a little," Yelena leans her head back so that she can look at Kate.

Kate's face shifts a little, "Turn around, detka."

Yelena groans, "I'm comfy, Kate Bishop."

"I know," Kate responds, shifting away from Yelena. She gently rolls up Yelena's pant leg, exposing her stump and the scar. "Can I touch it?"

"If you're going to stick those craft eyes to the end of it and make it look like a face, no," Yelena responds, keeping her eyes on her girlfriend.

"Didn't Dr. Cooper tell you to do scar care?" Kate ignores her comment, gently running one of her hands over Yelena's stump. She eyes Yelena, obviously awaiting a response now.

"She did," Yelena lays back on the couch, deciding this time to focus on the ceiling.

"Circles, right?" Kate asks, her hand not leaving Yelena's stump, waiting for Yelena to nod before humming, "I'm gonna put my other hand on your stump, okay?"

"Okay," Yelena says softly, not watching Kate as she works. It does feel good, though, whatever she's doing, soothing the scar and the sore muscle that makes up what's left of her leg.

"You're supposed to do this daily, you know," Kate points out, her voice gentle as she continues to ramble about something that Yelena stops paying attention to. In all fairness, the soothing way that Kate's massaging her leg plus the exhaustion from doing physical therapy all morning is just too much.

"Babe, you gotta shower," Kate's voice eventually weaves its way back into her head and Yelena groans, "C'mon. You can nap after, I'll tell Nat to come later."

"And Anya and Wanda," Yelena adds, whining when Kate takes her hand in hers and pulls her up, "I'm so tired, Kate Bishop."

"I know, Lena," Kate kisses her forehead, "I'll get the shower started, you just come in when you're ready, okay?"

Yelena sighs, she's so tired. If it weren't for Natasha needing to come over today with the whole family because apparently twice a week isn't enough for her, Yelena would sleep the days away.

God, being a human is so much work.


After two weeks of horrendous mood swings (including the one where she almost punched Kate for suggesting walking), Yelena's proud to say that her new medication doses are working.

She knows this is true because she woke up from her nap actually feeling refreshed instead of pissed, she hasn't been dealing with feeling like she's at ten percent and never leaving there, and she finally feels like functioning again.

She's kind of pissed that her prosthetist picked up on that, though, because god she was pushed so hard this morning.

Either way, she's been trying to get used to standing for longer periods of time, and with Kate standing by, she's been trying to get back into cooking. It's nice tonight, especially, because after Kate came home with ingredients, Yelena decided that she'd be cooking dinner.

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