The Binding

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My name is Isaac. Although you might know me as "That Weird Kid", "The Loser" or "The Sacrifice". I can hear you now. You're probably saying, "I would never call you that".

Really, now?

Maybe after you hear what happened to me, you'll be thinking what everyone else thinks...

I was like any other young boy. I had lived in a very religious household. I loved to draw and create stories, especially ones based off of Bible stories. My mom was always watching Christian T.V. Things were simple, and quite honestly, enjoyable.

However, one day, mom had heard a voice from above. I heard it as well. It spoke with a powerful tone.

"Your son, Isaac is unclean. He must be stripped of the sinfulness of this world!"

Mom had looked up and whispered,

"I will do my best to save him, my Lord".

She then quickly got up and went to my room. When I got to the door, I saw that she was ripping all of my drawings off of the wall. She was also going through my toy chest and taking all of my toys. Finally, she took away all of my clothes, including the ones I had on!

I sat near the couch, naked and afraid. Why would mom do this and who made her do it? Soon, the voice came to our minds again.

"Isaac's soul is still corrupt. He needs to be cut off from all that is evil in this world and confess his sins!"

Mom once again replied,

"I will follow your instructions, Lord. I have faith in thee".

She grabbed me forcefully and carried me to my room before throwing me in there and locking it. I was crying at this point. Why was she doing this!? I looked though a small crack in the door to see her looking towards the ceiling. One last time, we heard the voice, I now knowing it to be God Himself.

"You have as I asked. But, I still question your devotion to me. To prove your faith, I will ask one more thing, of you".

"Yes, Lord. ANYTHING".

When I heard what the voice had said, I backed away from the crack quickly.

"To prove your love and devotion, I require a sacrifice. Your son, Isaac, will be this sacrifice. Go into to his room and end his life as an offering to me to prove you love me above all else!"

"Yes, Lord," mom had said.

She had grabbed a knife from the kitchen and came straight after me. I scrambled around frantically, searching for an exit, a hiding spot, anything to get away from mom. I looked under the rug and found something I had never seen. It was a trapdoor. I flung the hatch open without hesitation just as mom burst through the door. Without hesitation, I jumped into the darkness, closing the hatch back.

I looked around at where I was. It looked like the basement, but it was too dark to see anything. Suddenly, torches were lit on the walls and there were four doors surrounding me. I walked into the one that had a golden outline. I saw something on a pedestal. It looked like a knife, the same one that mom had tried to kill me with. I picked it up and looked at the blade, my face reflecting off it's shiny surface. I was crying, hard. It looked like I would never stop crying, too. Who wouldn't if something like this happened.

I walked back out of the room and nearly fell backwards when I saw what I did. It looked exactly like me, but it was eyeless and bleeding from it's sockets. It ran toward me and I got up and ran in circles, trying desperately to get away from this thing. Eventually, I got backed up literally between a rock and a hard place.

The creature walked slowly towards me while I sat there, shaking. Soon, something within me snapped and jumped on the thing and stabbed it repeatedly in the heart. Blood flew out from it chest, splattering on the ground and my face. I drove the knife into the creature's head and killed it.

I crawled backwards slowly and curled my legs into my chest. I had just killed something. I had committed murder. Who cares if the thing I killed wasn't really a person. I still killed it! I fell on my side and cried, all the while I was shaking violently. I remembered sitting there for almost 3 minutes, although it felt longer then that.

Soon I sat up, blood, sweat and tears staining my face. I looked around the room. There was no way for me to go back into my room as there wasn't a ladder to that trapdoor. I decided to go further into the basement, as far as I could go.

I was going to find out who would make my mom do this, one way or another...

The Binding Of Isaac: Faith of An AngelWhere stories live. Discover now