Judas, the Backstabber

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As Cain, Maggie and I made our way through this floor, we knew that we were not alone. There was blood splattered all over the walls and the corpses of monsters all over the ground. Maggie got scared to the point that her angel hid in her hair and she started to cling onto my shoulder. I looked at her she was looking a little pale from the creepiness of this place.

I assured her that Cain and I wouldn't let any harm come to her. She smiled and gave me a hug. We continued moving forward, soon finding an item room. I unlocked it and let Maggie go in to see what was in there. When she came out, she had a wide smile on her face and was holding a light blue cross.

"Guys, I think I got my faith back. I feel...pure and clean, now".

Cain and I smiled, happy that she felt that way. Soon, I started getting another headache and fell onto one knee. Cain noticed and asked if I had another headache.

"Yeah, but it feels worse this time".

He quickly gave me another yellow pill and I felt my headache go away just like that. I thanked him and got onto my legs. We continued moving forward, seeing that there was more blood on the ground. We then noticed that it formed a trail, leading to what seemed to be a library. There were books all over the floor some covered in blood and inverted crosses. When we made it to the center of the library, we found someone laying face down in a pile of blood.

We ran over and flipped him onto is back. He looked like me, only he was wearing some kind of weird hat and had an inverted cross carved onto his forehead. I shook him a little trying to wake him up.

"Hey, are you alright? Come on, wake up!"

Soon, the boy opened his eyes, which were black with red pupils and leaking blood, and gave me a toothy grin.

"Hello, Isaac".

I backed away quickly and pulled out my knife as the boy got up.

"Who...Who are you? And how do you know me!?"

The boy sat up, still smiling.

"My name is Judas, and I know everything about you...hehehe".

I was confused.

"You know...everything?"

"Yes. Your mother's abuse, your peers' harassment and your guilt over you sister's death..."

I looked at Judas like he was a maniac. Well, he probably was but still. How did he know about all of that? Was someone else controlling him? Was it just a lucky guess? Whatever it was, it didn't matter as he got up and walked over to me slowly. Maggie, Cain and I backed up to the wall, shivering with fear. When Judas got up close to my face, I closed my eyes, not wanting to watch all 3 of us die.

"And I feel so sorry for you," he said as he gave me a hug.

I looked at him. The cross on his forehead was gone and he was crying blue tears now. His eyes had also changed to normal eyes with red pupils. I didn't know what to do, so I just hugged him back, crying as well.

Soon, Judas let me go, explaining that the person we just saw wasn't him.

"That wasn't me guys. That was the evil in my heart taking over. I hope you can forgive me".

We all smiled and nodded. He grinned and said that we should get out of here. Before we left, we each grabbed a book that would help us along the way. I already had the Bible, so I was set to go. Cain took the Book of Shadows, Maggie took the Book of Revelations and Judas grabbed the Book of Belial. I didn't know what they all did, but something told me they would be useful.

When we got out of the library, we continued to make our way though this cave system. Judas shot tears out of his eyes, just like Maggie did. However, some of them were a dark red. I was confused at why this happened, but I didn't question it since they seemed to be more effective against the monsters.

Soon, we found the exit and went into the room. We heard the gate slam shut behind us and looked to see that there was a giant mass of flesh sitting in front of us. A head popped out of it and smiled at it. I was nearly about to vomit from the mere sight of this thing. Judas walked in front of us and looked at it.

"Gurdy, you're going down, hard!"

The creature frowned and spawned flies and little red balls out of the holes in it sides. It then pointed towards us and the flies flew towards us. We rolled out of the way and destroyed all of the flies before they could get to close to us. I ran up to the red balls on the ground and stabbed them, making them explode. However, no matter how hard we tried to get rid of the flies and little sacks, Gurdy just kept spawning them.

Soon, Judas open his book and closed his eyes. When he opened them , they were red and black again, as well as bleeding. He jumped over a group of flies that were heading his way and he practically flew over to Gurdy's face. He held out his hand and fired a laser of what looked like blood out of it. Gurdy screeched when he did that and flailed its arms around. When Judas landed, he looked at me and pointed at Gurdy's head.

"Stab her in the head! That should finish her off!"

I nodded and climbed up Gurdy's masses of flesh, soon reaching her head. I finally stabbed her and jumped off. She screamed, flailing her arms around and then exploded into a pile of organs. Something dropped from the ceiling. We saw that it was a bomb with the lettering "x99" next to it. Judas, whose eyes had gone back to normal, picked it up and his hat's string turned into a bomb fuse. Maggie quickly pointed it out.

"Judas, your hat is going to explode!"

He looked at the fuse and laughed.

"Don't worry, it wont explode. By the way this isn't a hat. It's a fez".

Cain asked with a sarcastic tone,

"Why are you wearing it?"

"Because fezzes are cool," Judas said while smirking.

We all gave a good laugh, something I hadn't done in quite a while. Soon, to doors opened on the left and right. One was an angel room and the other was one that I didn't know about, but it looked evil. Judas went into that room and Maggie went into the angel room. Cain and I waited outside for them, making small talk.

"So what do you think of Judas?"

I thought about it for a bit, before answering.

"He's a good guy, even if he doesn't notice it yet".

"I don't know about that," Cain replied.

"It seems like when he reads out of that book, he gets possessed by someone. I don't know who though..."

Soon, Judas and Maggie came out their respective rooms. Maggie had a bigger bow on her head and next to Judas was a small, grey baby with a robot eye. I looked at it with interest and said that he was lucky to have a friend like that. My friend was long gone and there was no bringing him back. I shook off the feeling of sadness and opened the trapdoor. We had went from the safety of the caves, and into the Depths below...

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