Something Forgotten...

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Waking up with massive pain in my head, I found that I was somehow in a much larger version of my toy chest. Even stranger was that there was only one way to go. Forward. I got up slowly and began to make my way through the corridor in front of me.

With every step that I took, it felt like my legs were going to give out and my head was going to explode at the same time. I had a very good reason for that.

I found my own rotting corpse in the chest and it dragged me in here. I knew that it was waiting for me and it knew it wanted me dead. What I didn't know was why it was in here. Was it a sign of the future? Was I really meant to die in here? These were the thoughts that ran through my brain as I walked along.

Eventually, I found the grey skull door. I knew that Blue Baby was in there, just waiting to devour me. I just stood outside what I thought was essentially my own grave, contemplating everything that I had went through to get up to this point.

No. I wasn't ready yet. There was one last thing I needed to do.

I spread my wings and flew up through the ceiling of my chest. There was nothing but pitch black around me. Soon, however, I saw a light above me and knew that I had found him. The angel that had been watching over me. I clasped my hands and preyed to him.

"Please. The enemy that I'm about to face will be my strongest. My equal. I need one last gift from above!"

The angel then floated down and placed his hand upon my head. He then spoke.

"I have given you all I can provide, my child. It is up to you to defeat your innermost apocalypse and free your mind. But always know, I am watching over you."

I smiled and gave him a hug, him returning it. After letting go, he looked at me and spoke one last time.

"Farewell, Isaac. God bless you."

He then flew off into the unknown, never to be seen again. I then flew back down into my toy chest and landed in front of the door. My legs were still shaky, but with the angel and God's blessing, I felt like I had the strength to overthrow the monstrosity in the next room. I then steel my mind and walked through the door, ready to end this once and for all.

This time the door didn't have a gate. I just vanished. This time, there was absolutely, no turning back. I looked around, but there was nothing but an empty room. That was until a body came crashing down from the ceiling...

A blue body.

The Blue Baby.

It got up and smiled at me so much that it's skin was actually beginning to tear at the sides of it's mouth. It then held out it's hand and seemed to be reaching out to me. Then, dirty, ripped angel wings flung open from it's back and dashed towards me, grabbing my neck.

It choked the very life out of me while groaning in a way that made it seem like it was laughing. I was then thrown to the other side of the room and hit the wall. I got up and spawned my knife. Blue Baby then shot more tears than I could ever hope to do myself. I blocked and slashed them away with my blade.

It's smile then turned into a frown and it dashed at me again. This time, however, I was ready and spread my wings to jump over Blue Baby, sending it head first into the wall. Before it could get a chance to do anything. I fired off as many tears as I could. Blue Baby then got up and flew right through all of them. The tears didn't seem to do anything to it.

I quickly swung my blade and manage to cut off Blue Baby's right arm. I had smiled, but only for a split second when I saw blue tentacle-like growths coming from the severed arm that re-attached it to it's body.  I quickly flew over to Blue Baby and slashed at it again. However, it caught the blade and punched me away from him. When I looked back up I saw the knife headed straight for my face.

I instantly ducked and looked back to see Blue Baby firing more tears. I quickly ran after my knife and was about to grab it off the ground when I heard a loud thud and looked back again to see Blue Baby sending more of those tentacle things at me. I grabbed the knife and started to swing the blade around like a psycho in order to keep the tears and growths away from me.

When things seemed to calm down, I looked up only to have Blue Baby kick me in the chin. I tried to sit up, but it then crashed down onto my chest and started to strangle me again. I could barely reach for my knife. When I grabbed it, I slashed and managed to decapitate the corpse. Not wasting any time after that, I swung the blade around rapidly, destroying every trace of it so that it would put itself back together.

The chunks of rotting flesh fell to the ground and soon sunk into it. I fell onto the ground, panting heavily. It finally over. I could get out of here and live a new life...

At least, that's what I thought before I felt a hole open up below me and those blue tentacles grabbed me and dragged me into the unknown. Right before the hole had closed I heard what sounded like...

A hush.

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