Eve, The Original Sinner

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When we got down to the next floor, we saw that we were in some kind of underground city. Something had told me that it was filled to the brim with all kinds of monsters. We decided to split up again. Maggie went with Cain and Judas followed me. Doing that, I felt that we could cover a lot more area since this place seemed huge.

While going through the Depths of the city, Judas and I found another item room. We unlocked it and saw a red, six-sided die on the pedestal. I picked it up and looked at it. I asked Judas what this could possibly do and he suggested that it could maybe turn something into something else. I tilted my head at the statement, obviously confused.

"Here, let me show you".

He took the D6 and pulled out what looked like a penny. He threw the penny and die into the air. When they both landed on the ground, the penny flashed and turned into a mini hourglass. My eyes were wide open. This die had the power to turn something useless into something useful. At least, most of the time. It was still up to chance after all. I picked up the D6 and we walked out of the room, continuing to find our way out of this place.

Soon, we came across another room filled with monster. There was nothing unusual about it, which is saying a lot. However, we noticed that there was a girl with black hair standing in front of us. She had a pitch-black bow and some weird mark and the back of her hands. It looked like a red crescent moon with a star next to it. She was holding a razor blade and she put it to her skin.

"Feel my pain," she had said while cutting slowly.

She appeared to shiver and shake while cutting and the mark on her hands was starting to glow. Her skin turned black and she grew curved horns on her head. Also, the thing on her head started to move and I was surprised to find that it was not a bow. It was a dead bird, a crow to be exact. The monsters looked scared and shivered at he girl's display before the bird flew off of her head and pecked it's way through most of them.

She turned around and we saw that she had red eyes and and inverted cross on her head. The bird flew back over to her with a heart in it's mouth. The girl grabbed the heart and crushed it, turning back to normal. Her bird flew into her hair and stopped moving. She pointed a finger at me and spoke.

"Is your name Isaac, by any chance?"

I nodded and the girl smirked.

"Finally! I found you," she said while walking up to me.

"My name is Eve. And yes, I mean Eve as in the original sinner".

I shivered while thinking all of this through. Why do all the people that I run into have the names of people who have done bad in their lives? Cain, the one who committed the first murder. Judas, named after the disciple who betrayed Jesus and lead to his crucifixion. Eve, the one who committed the first sin. Even my own sister was named after Mary Magdalene, who was one of Jesus's followers and a possible reformed prostitute. Why was I running into all of them and why did they have the same names as sinners?

I must have been think about it too hard since I got another massive headache. I fell on my knees and held my head, groaning in pain. The pain became too much and I fell flat onto my face. The last thing I heard before I slipped out of consciousness was Judas and Eve telling me to wake up...

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