Isaac, The Sacrifice

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I got up after staring at my knife for half a minute, wondering what I just saw. Judas and Eve looked at me like I had saw a ghost. At that point, I was pretty sure that I did. However, I soon put that thought in the back of my mind. I steeled my mind and we went off to find the others.

I had begun to experiment, crying onto my knife to make it more powerful. It certainlty seemed to work better as a lot of the monsters died faster then they ever did, before. Eventually, we made it to the skull door and found Cain and Maggie, sitting with someone who I had never seen before. He had long brown hair and was wearing a crimson headband. He also had a lot of scars and bruises on his body. Some even looked like they were self-inflicted.

He got up and told me his name was Samson, intoducing me to his pals Meat Boy and Little C.H.A.D. The two had waved at me and I waved back. Cain and Maggie got up and stood next to me looking at the door in front of us. Judas, Eve and Samson did the same. We all stared at the skull door, knowing that this was it, this was where things had ended for us. I had walked in first. I looked back, signaling for them to come on. As soon as they did, however, the gate suddenly shut on them, leaving me alone to fight whatever was come this way. I ran over to the gate and pulled on it, furiously, hoping that it would break off and let the others in to help me. Samson tried to pull at and even he couldn't get it open.


I turned around to see that there was a small red creature floating right in front of me. He had 4 arms, a scar down his chest, small horns and what looked like three 6s on his head. He pointed at me with a giant grin on his face.

"Hi-o...Wait, who was I supposed to kill again? Oh, doesn't matter! The name's Loki, the most sinister demon you'll ever face! I need to warn you, however, I'm a bit tricky!

He then teleported right in front of me and opened his chest and pulled out what looked like a giant fly. I quickly pulled out my knife and stabbed it, not knowing what whould happen next. As soon as I did that, the fly exploded and sent me flying backwards into a wall. I got up before I noticed that Loki was right in front of me. I quick thrust my knife forward, but he teleported and pushed me onto the ground while laughing.

I got back up and sliced up right through Loki while he was laughing. The blade had split him straight in two, leaving him cut right down the middle in half. The others had cheered for me. I looked at them and smiled, however, I was promptly cut off when I heard a laugh from someone who I was hoping I didn't run into. I turned around only to find myself with Mom's hands choking me to death. Cain and the other had gasped, as if they were in pain. I looked at Mom, tears streaming down my face.

"Mom? Why are you doing this? I'm not sinful!"

"That doesn't matter anymore, Isaac! I'm not doing this to cleanse you of your sinfulness. I'm doing for Him and nothing will stop me!"

She dropped me on the ground and began to step on me multiple times. I looked back at the gate and reached out to the others, but they weren't there. I called out to them, screaming for someone anyone to help me. I then heard a voice in my head. A young, but mocking voice.

"Don't you get it, you moron!? They don't exist! They're just figments of your imagination that you created to give you someone to talk to! You never had any help from anyone!!"

I then realized that the voice was Azazel...and he was right. I was completely alone. I just made everyone up in order to not have to bear the loneliness. I curled up into a ball, crying my eyes out as Mom kept stepping on me. She then laughed and spoke one last time.

"You are pathetic, my son! Now, it is time for me to fulfill my promise to Him at last!!"

Soon, I closed my eyes and Mom stepped on me one last time...

I heard voices in my head.

"Don't give up, Isaac!!"

As Mom slammed her foot down on me, it looked like I was dead. However, I grabbed her foot and rose slowly as angel wings sprouted from my back and tears streamed down my face. The anger on my face was unreadable as I threw Mom backwards and yelled out loud,


I flew up and towards Mom, firing tears out of my eyes at a rapid speed. As they hit her, her skin seemed to burn. I smiled as my tears burned her with divine fury. She soon got up and punched me to the other side of the room. I hit the wall with the force and my breath got knocked out of me as Mom ran towards me.

I jumped of the wall and flew over her. I closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening them and sending out a huge tear ball. It flew into her head and stunned her. I spawned my knife before I jumped onto her head. I soaked the blade in my tears before finally ramming it into Mom's head. She tried helplessly to grab me before she fell forward, dead.

I stood there and looked at her, somewhat happy that this nightmare was over, yet extremely sad that I had to kill her to protect myself. Soon, the weight of everything that had just happened came down on me like the Moon hitting the Earth. I fell near Mom's head and shed enough tears to fill an empty riverbed. I must have been there for almost ten minutes. Soon, however, I heard voices again...

The voices of my friends.

They were still with me, maybe not physically, but they were, mentally.

"Thanks you, my friends. You may not be with me now, but you'll always be with me in spirit".

I looked up to see all of my friends, transparent and floating. They all looked down at me while smiling. They waved at me and then floated down into my head. I then heard Maggie say,

"If you ever need our help, just close your eyes and we'll be there to give you a hand".

I got up and smiled before turning around. There was another Angel Room waiting for me. When I walked in, I saw what looked like a shield with a triangle on it.

I grabbed it and held it for a second. It was a perfect fit for my arm. I decided to leave it on just in case anything had attacked me from behind. When I walked out of the room, I saw that there was a fleshy opening in the ground. Also, Mom's corpse was gone.

I wanted to question it, but I didn't since I didn't want to have anything come up and kill me. I jumped down the opening without any fear...

Until I heard Mom laughing.

The Binding Of Isaac: Faith of An AngelWhere stories live. Discover now