Magdalene, The Sister

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When Cain and I made it down the ladder, it once again quickly retreated back up to the ceiling. When we looked around at where we were, it looked some kind of cave system. This was definitely not under our basement the last time I checked.

I told Cain to go on ahead and look around to see if anyone else was down here. He nodded and went on ahead. I pulled out my knife and began my walkthrough of the floor. There were more monsters here than normal, but I had to guess that it was because I was getting deeper underground.

I came across another item room that was locked. I unlocked it and went inside, finding what appeared to be the Bible itself. I picked it up and opened it. It felt like I was truly cleansing myself of my sins as I read it for a little while. Soon, I closed the Bible and walked out of the room, continuing my walk through the many rooms in this cave.

As I was walking through, I was startled what what sounded like a loud scream. It sounded female. I rushed through the rooms, passing by any monsters that tried to stop me.When I got to the room with the source of screams, I saw a group of monsters huddled around someone. I held up my hand and burned them away with the power of the absorbed angel feather.

Lying on the ground was a girl with curly, yellow hair and a red bow on it. She was holding what appeared to be a half-eaten heart and a tiny angel. She looked familiar for some reason. Too familiar. I went up to her and shook her slightly, trying to wake her. Her eyes soon fluttered for a second. When they opened and looked at me, they went wide and she gasped.

"Isaac? Is that"

I raised an eyebrow slightly...until the images began to flood my mind. When the flashes stopped, I looked at the girl and smiled, hugging her.

"Yes. It's me, Maggie".

She hugged me back when I responded. It was Magdalene, or Maggie as she was called most of the time. I had found my sister. A shock of realization shot through me. Wasn't she dead? Didn't I accidentally kill her? It didn't matter. All I cared about at this moment was that she was still here.

I let go of Maggie and stood up. She stood up as well, the angel in her arms now awake and floating. She took a few bites out of the heart that she was holding. I watched on, a little interested and a bit disgusted.

"You want a bite, Isaac?"

I shook my head.

"No thanks, sis. Go ahead and enjoy it".

As she took a few more bites out of the heart, I asked her how she got down here. She said that she didn't know how, but she did know that Mom tried to go after her as well. Could there be others down here? I thought to myself about the possibilities. Maggie gave the baby angel the heart and it flashed away to an unknown place.

"So, you ready to go Isaac?"

"Yeah. Let's get moving".

Maggie and I set off towards the exit to the floor. I noticed she was able to shoot tears out of her eye, just like Cain's brother. Did I also have that ability, as painful as it looked?

We walked on, fighting hordes of monsters and finding other things that would help us survive until we ran into Cain sitting near the exit. When he saw me and Maggie, he instantly stood up.

"You found someone else?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. This is my sister, Magdalene. She prefers to be called Maggie, though".

Cain walked up to Maggie and gave her a pat on the back, saying that she was lucky to have a brother like me. I, on the other hand, didn't think that way. Especially since Maggie was supposed to be dead. At least she was alive now, right? Whatever.

All three of us walked into the door and the gate shut behind us. We looked back at the gate for a second, until we heard a loud thud. We looked forward and saw what looked like a fat person with wide eyes and a giant grin. There was something yellow leaking out of him. Whatever it was, it smelled vile.

Peep, the name I gave the creature due to the large, staring eyes, smiled and waved at us. He then jumped up slightly and landed on the ground, sending out yellow balls of the juice that was under him. We ducked under the ball and Cain threw a bomb at Peep. Peep looked at it and it blew up in his face. When the smoke cleared, we saw that his eyes had popped out of his head and started to float around the room.

I tossed my knife over to Maggie and she threw it at Peep. Peep jumped out of the way and when he landed, more yellow balls flew outward. We all jumped at the same time. Cain grabbed my knife out of the wall and threw it towards me. Maggie and Cain then looked at each other then smiled. They both pointed towards Peep and Abel and the angel flew towards him and held him down, stopping him from jumping.

"Do it now, Isaac!"

They both yelled at me to finish Peep off. I ran towards peep and jumped onto him, stabbing him in the chest and sliding down. I heard cracks while I was doing that, most likely breaking his bones. Peep screamed and flailed about. Soon, he had deflated like a balloon.

When I backed away from Peep, he split open and his organs leaked out of his body. Maggie saw this and ran up to his corpse. She dug through the pile of bones and skin, pulling out what I could only assume to be Peep's heart. Cain and I nearly vomited from the display, but we held it back. Soon, another angel room had opened up. Cain said he would wait for me and Maggie to come out as he had enough stuff on his hands.

Maggie and I walked in. I saw a cross that was glowing slightly and she saw a bottle of what looked like holy water. I picked up the cross and was surprised as a white glow started to come out of me. I felt like I was being protected from some outside force. Maggie picked up the holy water and gave it to her angel friend.

We walked out and saw that Cain had already opened he trap door near Peep's corpse. We climbed down the ladder and it retracted to the ceiling. We went on moving through the second floor of the cave system. Little did we know, someone else was in here with us. And he wasn't that friendly...

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