Breaking Mom's Heart

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When I woke up, I found myself in what seemed to be a fleshy, pulsing room. I looked around to see that there was blood dripping from the ceiling and I heard growls and squishing noises everywhere. I began to shiver as I felt something jab me in the back. I slowly turned around to find a small, white, tadpole-looking creature. It hovered there for a while, just staring at me, before swimming off. I pondered where I could have been for a minute. I was in a pulsing room made of flesh, there was blood dripping from the ceiling and that tadpole thing was swimming around rather quickly. The last thing that ran through my mind was that I heard Mom laugh before I jumped into that hole. When I remembered that, the realization struck me like a divine force.

I was inside of Mom, in her womb no less.

As soon as I put two and two together, I fell onto my knees and vomited. To think that I was inside my own mother's birth canal was too disgusting for me to handle, especially considering the fact that I WAS here before! Also, how did I get here in the first place!?

I slowly got up, holding back the rest of my bile while I cleaned myself up. I walked over to a wall and put my head against it for a small time while I thought about what to do and how to get out of here. I soon came to the conclusion that I needed to destroy Mom's inside to truly end her life, as vile as it sounded. I picked my head up off the wall and spawned my knife, heading into the next room. From there, I made my way through Mom's rather large womb. 

The place seemed like a labyrinth, endless and with no way out. Soon, I came across a door that was boarded up for some reason. I closed my eyes and went deep into my mind. When I reopened my eyes, I was wearing a fez with a fuse and was holding The Book of Belial. As Judas, I pulled out a couple of bombs and placed them near the door. I closed my eyes again and the fez and book were gone. I lit the fuses and soon, the door blew wide open. When it did, a bright light was emanating from the inside. I walked inside, covering my face from the light.

When the light had clear, I nearly fainted from what I saw. 

I was in my room, dreary grey walls and all. My bed was right there in the same corner that it always was. I walked around slowly, looking at my pictures that were somehow still hanging on the walls. I didn't bother questioning it. I was too tired to even care. I hopped into my bed, pulled the sheets overs myself and lost myself in the void of darkness known as sleep.

When I woke back up, I had never felt any better. I guess all I needed was a comfy place to lie down and rest. I looked over at the mirror and walked over to it. I saw that I had a brown buzz-cut and blood splattered all over the right half of my face. I was also wrapped in blood-stained rags. Who was this? I didn't remember meeting this boy. I closed my eyes and went into my mind to see the others huddled around someone. I walked over to see that it was the same boy that I was. He looked shy, like he didn't want to be here. I walked through the circle and went up to the boy.

"Hi, there," I said.

"Who are you? I don't remember meeting you at any point".

"My name is Lazarus," he said as he tried to stand up. However, he immediately fell back down.

"Where am I," he said with a look of fear on his face.

"And who are all of you?"

I got up and told him who we all were. I then told him that he was a personality of mine that I kept stored in my mind. Over time, Lazarus came to trust us. I had asked him why he was covered in bloody rags and he told me that he had died, but was resurrected. I had asked who did it, but he apparently didn't remember. I then asked him if he wanted to help me escape this place and he nodded with satisfaction on his face. I then closed my eyes, ready t continue trekking on.

When I opened my eyes, I was back in my bedroom, still standing in front of the mirror. I was myself again. I turned around, walking out of the room to continue onward. From this point, I continued to make my way through Mom's body, a rather large place. However, I soon found myself in front of the skull door. I looked at it for a second before walking in with caution. The gate slammed down as usual and I pulled out my knife ready to destroy Mom, once and for all.

I looked up and saw something that almost made MY heart stop. There was an unborn child attached to the ceiling of Mom's womb. It was me. I heard a muffled voice, as if Mom knew that I was here and knew that my unborn self had woken up.


The fetus's eyes had opened and it had started beating like a heart, sending out blood balls. I blocked them with my knife and flew over most of them. Soon, it moved up to the ceiling and I saw that eyes had popped out if the floor. I didn't question it. Instead, I stabbed them instantly before they were able to do anything. I looked up at my unborn self and saw that it was smiling at me. It quickly moved down and pounded the ground and sent out more blood balls. I ducked quickly, sweat running down my forehead as I got up. I then flew up and stabbed the fetus in the eye. It screamed and started to send out blood lasers much like Azazel had done. They had started to quickly circle around the room, give me barely enough time to spawn my wings and fly away from them. When the lasers had stopped, I finally finished myself off by stabbing it and sliding down it's body. It flailed around and screamed before it flew up into the ceiling. I then heard Mom scream my name. Her womb started to shake and I noticed that blood was coming out of the walls. Soon, the place had calmed down and everything went silent.

I looked around and noticed that there was a black door with a demon skull in front of me. I, very anxiously walked into the room and saw that there was a giant statue of some sort of demon with an inverted cross on it's forehead. I also saw that there was trapdoor in front of it. When I opened the door, I saw nothing but absolute darkness. I jumped down into it without any hesitation. I soon regretted that move, for it was that moment that I had realized what I was looking into...

I was staring at the entrance to Hell.

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