Samson, The Liar

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(Note: This chapter will be in Cain's point of view. After all, Isaac did faint last chapter. Anyways, don't for get to rate, comment and follow!)

When we slid down that ladder, it quickly made it's way back up to the ceiling. We all looked around and saw that we were in what looked like a small subterranean city. Was this where all the monsters were coming from? It had to be since this place had cages and everything, some with monsters right behind the bars. Either this was an underground city, or it was a jail.

Isaac started to speak,

"Ok, I suggest that we split up. Maggie, I need you go with Cain. Judas, you're with me".

We all said ok and went our separate ways. As Maggie and I went through the Depths of this place, we made a note about the seemingly endless stream of monsters that we were fighting off. It was a little unsettling, but we knew that we were really far underground so it didn't surprise us.

We had found an item room and I quickly unlocked it with my trusty skeleton key. When we went inside, we saw what looked like a small razor blade. We knew that it wouldn't be all that useful to us, so we left that room quickly. When we did come out of the item room, we were surprised to to find some running in circles from some monsters...with a smile on his face.

He had long, brown hair, bushy eyebrows and a blood red headband on. He also had a ton of scars all over his body. Floating next to him was a small, red, baby-like creature with wide eyes and a smile. Chasing the monster behind him was a small red cube of meat with a rather toothy grin on its face. The boy looked back and the cube of meat and yelled.

"Meat Boy, can you hurry up and take care of this thing, already!?"

Meat Boy nodded and jumped on top of the monster, crushing it. The small, red baby creature went up to the monster's corpse and pulled out a red heart. He handed it over to the boy and he crushed it in his hand. He and his friends then looked over at us. He walked over and began to speak.

"Hey, guys! Good to see that someone else is in this place!"

"Same here," I said while nodding.

"So what's your name, Scratches?"

He seemed to smirk at the nickname.

"It Samson".

"That's a nice name!" Maggie had said.

He grinned and thanked her.

"I'm Cain and this is Maggie".

"Good to know," Samson said.

"This is Little C.H.A.D and Meat Boy".

They both waved at us and we waved back. Maggie had asked him why he had scars and wounds all over his body.

"It's because I get stronger when I get hurt".

Our eyes both widened when we heard that. Samson mutilates himself in order to stay alive. I told him that has to be extremely painful. He said that he didn't really like doing it at first, but it eventually became kind of fun for him. He also said that he can just heal himself by eating meat.

Samson then pulled out a bone with fresh meat on it and took a quick bite. He handed Meat Boy and Little C.H.A.D a piece and they quickly gulped it down. When they finished, we told him that if he hurts himself to get stronger, he should go and get the item in the item room. He grinned and ran inside. We heard him shout with excitement.

"Sweet! This will help me become a LOT stronger!"

Samson came out with a fresh cut on his right arm. His skin also seemed to have a red tone to it, almost as if he was angry. Still, he smiled, so he probably wasn't.

"Come on, guys," I said while walking away.

"We need to get out of here..."

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