Azazel, The Scapegoat

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"Where am I? Why is it so dark?"

Those were the words I spoke as I woke up, floating in a pitch black void. There was absolutely nothing there. Not even one speck of light was visible as I drifted through the darkness with my knife and Bible in hand. As I glided forwards I began to see what looked like a glowing, red sphere. I flew in closer to see what was causing it. When I saw it, a beam suddenly shot out of the source of the light. I dodged out of the way and looked back at what was emitting the light.

It was a demon of some sort, and a young one at that. His skin was a light black and he had piercing, red eyes. He also had bat wings, jet black hair that covered his left eye and horns, with one being broken. I also noticed that he had faintly glowing blood coming out of his mouth. He looked at me and smiled sadistically.

"Hello, loser".

I frowned at the insult. Who did this guy think he was?

"Who are you," I ask with a look of curiousity.

"You should know that by now, Isaac. I'm your worst nightmare".

"I mean't your name," I said through gritted teeth.

"Fine. The name's Azazel. Got it memorized?"

Azazel. The scapegoat. The one who I blamed all those years ago for Maggie's death. He locked her in the chest and I got blamed for it. That was when I noticed that Mom started to act weird. Was he causing this? If he was, he was going to pay for it.

"You...I never thought I would see you again".

Azazel smiled.

"You thought wrong, idiot. I've been there the whole time, waiting for you to fall right into my hands".

"Well, you're out of luck. I've got people on the outside ready to wake me up".

Azazel laughed and crossed his arms.

"A meaningless effort. Their voices can no longer reach you where we are, in this place where there is absolute darkness. Not one speck of light will be able to help you. Not your friends, not your little feline friend, not even God Himself can save you from me!!"

Azazel then flew towards me and tried to punch me. I quickly dodged out of the way and sliced down his back. I saw the scar quickly heal and he turned around. I saw that his mouth was glowing red and then I remembered the light he was emitting. I flew to the side of him and he opened his mouth, letting out a torrent of blood in the form of a laser. I kept flying around him, dodging the bright red beam that I was sure would evaporate me.

When Azazel had finished, he looked to be tired from doing that. I held out my hand and fire a beam of light straight at his head. It hit him and he flew back with the force. He floated there, face down. I went up to him to check if he was truly dead. Suddenly, Azazel looked up with a grin and grabbed me by the neck, choking the life out of me.

I struggled and flailed, trying anything to get free from the young demon's tight grip. All the while, he was laughing and mocking me.

"Where's your God now, loser!?"

"You're going to burn for this, you monster," I said with my last breath.

"Really now," Azazel said with a smirk on his face.

"If I'm really going to burn for this, then may God strike me down where I stand!"

I swung at him with my knife, but the blade only seemed to be able to scratch his skin. My limbs went limp and I closed my eyes, feeling tears drip down my face as I lost consiousness...

Suddenly, Azazel let go of me and screamed.

"AAHHHH! What the heck was that!?"

I looked at his arm and saw that it was wet with my tears.

(That's it!)

I closed my eyes and focused my tears into a sphere shape. When I opened them, my tears flew out of my eyes and straight into Azazel's face. He screamed again, flailing around. I noticed that this was my one chance to end it. I spawned my knife and flew towards Azazel quickly, stabbing him in the heart and ending this nightmare. While he was impaled, I grabbed his head and whispered into his ears the words I knew he didn't want to hear.

"I know you turned my life into an absolute mess, but...I forgive you. It was all my fault".

Azazel suddenly went limp and fell off the blade and into the abyss. I watched on until I saw him finally disappear from my sight. I looked up and saw an angel hovering in the distance. I flew over to him and it looked like he was holding a golden wine cup of some sort. It had a cross on the front of it and was filled with water that seemed to be absolutely pure. I picked up the cup and drank all of the liquid. I suddenly dropped the cup and fell into unconsiousness...

When I woke up, I saw that I was back in the underground city. I looked up to see that Eve and Judas were standing over me and looking down at me. I sat up and held my head.

"Uhh...How long was asleep, guys?"

"A good five minutes," Eve said.

I shook my head, trying to clear out the dizziness. I looked at my knife's reflections for a minute.

I could have sworn that I saw Azazel flash in place of me and smile...

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