Something Old...

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Waking up, I found myself in what was probably the very last place I wanted to be. I looked on the dull, grey floor while dusting off myself off to see cracks with what seemed to be lava flowing through them. I then looked up to see something carved into the walls that made my skin a shade lighter.


Hell. An realm that no mortal eyes should see. A realm where those with dark hearts or those who have sinned go. A realm which exists for the sole purpose of torturing those who have committed some of histories greatest crimes. A realm where the laws of and very fabric of the universe means nothing...

A realm ruled over by the ultimate evil in the universe...

And it's calling out to me, trying to bring me closer.

I stood there, paralyzed with fear and shock. My brain could barely handle the fact that "he" knew my name. What was I to do at that point, sit there and wait for death? Or follow the trail of this snake?

Eventually, my fear turned into determination. Reluctant, of course, but still determination. I spawned my knife and started to make my way towards what would be my greatest challenge yet...

While making my way through, I tore my way though several demons some looking like the tadpole things that were inside Mom, but black and with sharper teeth. The moment I killed them, they exploded. After that, I made sure that I killed them from long range.

There were also some horned demons that would be chained to a wall, spurting out some kind of inhuman growl and trying to bite my. Sometimes, they would give up. Other times, they would break the chains and rush after me.

Some would copy my exact movements and when I tried to shoot tears at them, they would shoot blood back at me. The only way I could take them out was by throwing my knife at them.

However, what really got me was the fact that some of the bigger monsters from earlier had somehow been...reborn.

When I walked into one of the rooms, my eyes went as big as the tears that I could shoot. Monstro was back, but he was missing most of his skin, reducing him to a bony ball. He saw me and smiled, then jumped onto the ceiling. He slid over to where I was, and dropped down. I quickly closed my eyes and when I opened my eyes, I only saw on one side of my face and I had a yellow band on my left leg. I quickly rolled out of the way. Monstro made a hard landing and smiled again.

When I looked at him, I saw blood starting to leak out of his mouth...glowing blood.

I knew what this was. I blocked the laser with my shield, reflecting it back into Monstro. I heard a demonic screech come from him before he collapsed. I quickly went over to him and stuffed bombs down his throat before quickly hiding behind a rock. The bombs then went off, sending blood and bones everywhere.

I wiped the blood off my shield and went back to my regular self before continuing onward.

As I was going along, I ran into more of the giant monster that I had previously killed. Chub had lost all of her skin, but her skeleton was still moving around. Peep's eyes where still detached from his head, but now his eye sockets were bleeding and he looked like a deflated balloon.

Loki got it the worst, however. He was completely split right down the middle of his body, yet the other half of him acted completely on it own accord. Dealing with Loki once was bad enough, but two of them was a pain. However, I powered through him and the rest of the area to eventually find myself in front of a giant skull door. I stood there, knowing who was waiting inside for me, and knowing that I might not get out of here alive. Yet, I somehow steeled my resolve and pushed open the doors.

On the other side was nothing but black. I walked inside hearing the doors close behind me.

I then heard a voice...HIS voice.

"Welcome, Isaac. Do take a seat, for we have much to discuss..."

I sat down, slowly but surely

"Now, you're probably wondering what warranted your trip down to me. We'll, to find out, let's see what sins you have committed. Ah, yes. You destroyed my son, Azazel. You killed your own sister, Magdalene. And let us not forget that it was YOU who murdered the one who gave birth to you! Now you know what kind of monster you are. And as we all know, sinners must be punished. So, no more wasting time. Let's move on to the main event shall we!?"

I looked up to see two red eyes glaring at me before light began to flood the room. I stared at the Devil himself, with the intent to prove that I was none of those things.

He tried to stomp me, but I rolled out of the way and grew my wings. I flew over Satan's head, shooting my tears into the back of his skull. He turned around and laughed, shrugging off my attack. He then instantly fired off a blood laser, giving barely enough time to dodge out of its way. I then spawned my knife and tried to stab him in the head, but he grabbed me and slammed me into the ground. I nearly screamed my lungs out when that happened. Satan then picked me up, firing balls of blood into my face repeatedly. Each one of them felt like they hit me with the force of a asteroid. He soon threw me against a wall, knocking the breath out of me and leaving me battered and bloodied.

I was barely able to catch air when I saw Satan rushing towards me only to kick me in the head. I flew backwards and sat again the wall, unable to move. I heard laughing before the ruler of Hell began to taunt me.

"Is that all the power you have? What a waste. Did God not give you enough power with those little pickups of yours? If that's the case, then I won't let this opportunity go to waste! DIE!!!"

Satan then blasted me with one final laser, making my heart stop. I sat there, paralyzed in place. My vision became clouded with white light. The light soon flooded the rest of my sight and I closed my eyes, opening my inner gates and letting Heaven take me...

To the Garden of Eden.

I reopened my eyes, letting the holy light flow from them down my face. My head was covered in white hair that hung over my eyes. My wings were extended to their full length and my hands were brimming with power. I began to hover in place, shooting tears out of my eyes without blinking. These tears felt as if they were powered by the Lord Himself. They were more than enough to stun Satan.

To end it, I held out my hands, gathering light into my palms. When it was ready to be released, I fired off immediately. Satan then fired one last blood beam at me, causing the beams to clash. I would have lost control of the beam if it wasn't for my friends. I felt each and everyone of them reach out and touch me, giving me the strength to overtake this struggle and blast the being known as the Devil away.

When the light had cleared out, I fell to the floor and almost instantly lost the form I had taken. I lay there, fatally wounded, and about to die. That's when I saw Guppy float down through the ceiling. He walked up to me and gave my head a nuzzle, meowing. I slowly felt all of my wounds heal. After I was back in a good position, I looked at Guppy and held out my arms. He promptly jumped into them, purring and giving me a hug. That was one of the few times that I got to do something I hadn't done in a long time...

I smiled.

I then looked in the middle of the room to see a light coming from a hole in the ceiling. Guppy fell asleep in my arms as I walked over to the light. I spread my wings and flew upward, out of the darkness and into the light...

The Binding Of Isaac: Faith of An AngelWhere stories live. Discover now