Cain, The First Murderer

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As I walked through the twisting corridors of the basement, I ran into more monsters. what scared me to the core was that most of them looked like me, only horrifically mutated or mangled. Some were bleeding from their eyes, some looked like creature I killed when jumped down here, and some even looked like fly or spider hives.

It made me feel a bit of remorse for having to kill them, but I kept strong and moved on. I found some keys and even what looked like bombs. I had to be careful about what I was doing with those in tow.

Eventually, I came across a door with a black outline and a skull on top of it. I wondered what this was as I walked in. Next thing you know, the door shut behind me. I looked back at the door and ran towards it. I pulled, pushed, anything to get this door open. But it didn't even budge.

Just then, I looked back and saw something unsettling. It looked like a chubby, flesh-colored worm. It then charged at me. I screamed and rolled out of the way just as it reached me. I turned to see that it crashed into the wall. I ran to the other side of the room and put my back against the wall.

I pulled out mom's knife and held it in front of me. My hands were shaking violently due the fear that I was going to die painfully. The worm turned around and charged at me again. I jumped out of the way and stabbed it in the side. It growled and flicked it's tail at me. The tail struck me and threw me into the wall.

I fell onto the ground, gasping for air get to my lungs. I saw that Chub, as I now called it, was charging towards me again. I jumped over it and landed on it's back. I finally ended the fight by driving the knife into Chub's head.

As I jumped off, its skin melted off of its body and Chub collapsed into a pile of bones. I looked at the bones and felt bad for killing the creature, but I needed to get out of here, so it had to be done. I looked up and noticed that there was a door with a cross over it.

I walked into the door and saw a statue of an angel holding what looked like a halo. Was it a gift for me? If it was, I'm glad that I took it. As soon as I touched the halo, it hovered over my head. Some might have said that I looked like an angel, but that was only the beginning of the gifts that I would receive from above.

When I acquired the halo, I walked up to the angel statue and looked at it. I thought about all the monsters that I had killed to survive. I knew that this would not be the last of them, so I did what I had to do. I got and my knees, clasped my hands, closed my eyes and cried hard as I spoke.

"Father, forgive me...For I will sin!"

When I opened my eyes, I saw that there was a feather on the ground. I picked it up and held it for a while. It was probably the softest thing I had felt in my life. I looked on the back of it and saw that "Crack the Sky" was engraved on it. Was it an angel feather? I didn't have much time to think about it as it was absorbed into my skin.

I walked out of the angel room and looked near Chub's corpse to see another trapdoor. I flung it open and looked down. There was a ladder for me to safely get down, luckily. I climbed down it and shut the door on the way down. When I saw the bottom of the floor, I jumped off the ladder and it quickly retracted back to the ceiling. There was no turning back.

I walked around the basement's second floor, killing every monster I came across. I eventually found another item room, but it was locked. Luckily I had some keys on hand, so I pulled on out and unlocked to door. When I went inside, my eyes went wide when I saw what was on that pedestal. It was Guppy, my cat. Only...he was dead.

I ran up to the pedestal and grabbed him. It looked like he died from being choked. I hugged him close to my chest and sat near a wall, crying for what felt like hours. My tears dropped down on Guppy's head, staining his fur. Losing Guppy practically tore me apart on the inside. He was the only one who would've kept me company in this dark and cold place.

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