Something New...

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When I had opened my eyes and looked through the blinding light, I saw that I was in some kind of church or cathedral. Guppy was still asleep in my arms, so I carefully put him on my head and started to walk around this place.

It seemed like there were monsters around every corner of this place, once again, some of them looking like they had been resurrected or reborn. I still powered through all of them, though. In fact, they all seemed...weaker. Or, at least, reluctant to fight. I'll admit, I was too, but what could they have been so afraid of? I actually tried talking to one of them and it shushed me and said nothing more than,


Blue? Were they all afraid of a color? Was it my tears? The cathedral? Something else lurking in here? Whatever it was, if it made the monsters scared, I didn't want to run into it.

Along the way, I saw that there was a trail of tears going into another room. Was another part of me somewhere in here? I went into the next room to find something that pulled at my heartstrings. There was a ghost that looked exactly like me in the middle of the room, surrounded by a pool of tears. The expression on it's face was soul-wrenching, almost as if it had given up all hope. 

I slowly walked over to the spirit of the lost child and it looked up at me, tears streaming down it's near-invisible face. I held out my arms and The Lost, as I now called it, jumped into them and I gave it the tightest hug I could. Guppy had woken up as well and as soon as he saw what I was doing, he hopped onto the Lost's head and rubbed against it.

That was enough to make it crack a smile. Guppy then told me that he would guide the spirit to Heaven and would come back for me later. I nodded and they both began to float upward. I looked on, happy to see that my past life had finally been given peace by the one person who could provide it...


After seeing the two off, I continued through the cathedral, seeing that the monsters were starting to get more and more afraid, to the point where they didn't even want to fight anymore. Every time I walked into another room, the monsters either moved out of my way, or were completely gone. 

Something was up. There was no way that the monsters would run away from me, a young child who constantly cries his eyes out. There was definitely someone or something else in here. I would probably find them when I got to the end of this place.

Eventually, I did find my way to the end and the giant skull door. When I walked in, I froze in place when I saw who I did.

It was me. Or, at least a copy of me. Everything about him, the tears, the sad expression, it was all me. My clone suddenly fell over and started crying, sending out a torrent of tears. I quick spawned my wings and flew over the tears. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to get in close, so I had to resort to my own tears. 

I hovered in place and fired my tears at a rapid pace. The duplicate had done the same and we had become locked into a never-ending cycle. It was a real war of attrition, but eventually, I flew out of the way of some of his tears and shot out a giant tear ball at him. 

This caused him to get up and pull Mom's knife and the Trinity Shield out of nowhere. I spawned my own knife and flew out him. We eventually clashed blades and swung them around like maniacs, the sound of steel clashing echoing throughout the cathedral. Eventually, the clone had faltered and gave me the chance to stab him in the chest. I pulled out the knife and he walked backwards, blood dripping down his chest and hands. That's when the unexpected had happened.

The wound healed itself and the clone spawned angel wings. He smiled and flew up through the ceiling. I looked forward to see several waves of light heading towards me. Faster than I could probably blink, I held up my shield. It blocked most of the light, but some of it managed to burn my hand, leaving a nasty burn.

The clone soon flew back down and shot more tears at me. I blocked all of them with my shield and held out my other hand, firing a beam of light at him. He did the same and the beams flew past each other. I was able to dodge his beam. Fortunately, the clone wasn't as lucky and it blew a bullet-like hole in his head, him falling over soon after. I walked over to him and looked at the corpse for a while. That was when I noticed that there was no trap door or any way for me to get out of here.

I turned around and was about to walk out of the room, when I heard a loud crash. I turned around and found, of all things, my toy chest. I walked up to it and slowly opened it, before finally pushing it wide open.

What I found inside would soon become my worst nightmare.

I found a blue, lifeless body with X's for eyes. I stared at it for a while, thinking who it possibly was...before it finally hit me.

I had found my own suffocated, rotting corpse. This is what all of the monsters were afraid of.

The fact that I might just die.

I had this revelation just as the body began to slowly sit up. It slowly turned its head towards me and smiled with near-perfect, white teeth. I then screamed as I was grabbed by and dragged into my own toy chest by what I would soon come to know as...

The Blue Baby.

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