Something Blue...

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I couldn't feel anything when I opened my eyes. I couldn't even move a limb no matter how hard I tried. The only thing I could move was my head. I looked around, seeing that I was in some kind of twisted version of what looked like Mom's womb.

Only it was blue.

Everything felt cold and dead. There were numerous scratches and dents lining the fleshy, growth-like interior. It was almost as if someone had cut their way through the whole area, leaving nothing but death in their wake. That's when I realized that I was the one who did this. I was the one who killed the unborn fetus inside of her, which in turn destroyed her insides.

I brought this upon myself. I was a monster, so I was dragged down even further to see the result of my destructive ways. The result of my sins. As soon as these thoughts flew through my mind, I was able to move the rest of my body freely. I buried my head in between my legs and sobbed, shivering as if a blizzard was coming down upon me. There was nothing in sight as I looked around the giant room. Not a monster, not a person.


There was literally nowhere left to go, no one else to kill, and nothing else to do. I could only sit there and cry worthless amounts of tears.

At least that's what I thought, before I looked up only to see the creature who had become my worst nightmare doing exact same thing. Blue Baby was sitting less than two feet away from me, crying it's X-shaped eyes out and frowning with gritted teeth. It looked at me and seem to cry even harder.

As much as it pains me to say, I couldn't help but feel absolutely horrible for it. There lie my corpse, shedding liquid sadness like an overflowing aqueduct as if it had just murdered something in cold blood. Seeing that just made me feel like I was going to burst at any moment. I wanted to run over and just hug that empty shell. My mind was yelling no, but my body was screaming yes.

In the end, my emotions and sense of goodness won. I got up, slowly and painfully walking over to Blue Baby. It looked up at me, almost as if fearing that I would pull out my knife and butcher it. Instead, I sat down and looked at it. We stared at each other for what felt like centuries, but it soon ended when it began to cry again. That was it. I couldn't stand seeing the corpse like that anymore.

I leaned over and took the blue demon into a tight hug. A gasp-like noise seemed to rise out of it's throat when I did that. I didn't care if it would have gutted me at that moment. I just wanted it to know that It had no reason to cry. I was the one who brought this on it and myself. Our tears seemed to not stop flowing when I did that. For once since this whole ordeal had started, I truly felt at peace. I felt as if it was finally over. I felt that the chaos had, at last, been eradicated.

But I was wrong. Literally, dead wrong.

As soon as I let go of Blue Baby, several tendrils flew out of the walls and grabbed it. It struggled and tried it's hardest to get free, but it was no use as it was slammed right through the fleshy floor. The tendrils had vanished soon after. I looked around, frightened out of my mind when I felt the ground begin to shake. Looking down, I noticed what seem to be Blue Baby's frowning face before the features faded out, leaving blank dents in the areas where it's eyes and mouth would be. However, it was what I heard as soon as the facial detail disappeared that gave me this creature's name. The same thing I heard as I was dragged into this place.

The Hush.

The shaking stopped as the face rose out of the the ground, hurling me into the air. I opened my wings and materialized my shield and knife. I didn't think I was going to have to do it, but the time had finally come.

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