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"my old man is a bad man, but I can't deny the way he holds my hand,"

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"my old man is a bad man, but I can't deny the way he holds my hand,"

off to the races, lana del rey

chapter one

JORDAN HATES HER FATHER, but once upon a time when she was younger, she didn't - in fact she loved him. She did everything she was told and listened when he told her to go away because if she didn't bother him, he'd love her; it was a stupid thing to think - but she was young and naive and so desperately wanted her father back.

She never understood that even if she listened and morphed herself into the "good girl" her father wanted, he would still hate her.

As she grew up, she realised this.

She realised that what he was saying wasn't normal or right, because when she turned to see Ava's family, and how they treated their kid, it was nothing like Jordan and her father.

They loved her.

They respected her. They saw Ava as an actual living human person.

Not just an embodiment of their mother.

They have never laid a hand on her or even threatened her with anything worse than a small grounding, in Jordan's eyes, Ava had it easy.

Jordan envied Ava at first, she would purposely exclude the blonde girl from anything she did, in hopes that Ava would realise what it meant to be alone and without anyone.

Of course, it didn't work.

Everyone around Jordan adored Ava, she was kind and graceful and very pretty - even from a young age, and as Jordan got older she learnt to accept that.

Even though Jordan excluded Ava for months and was nothing but cruel to her, Ava loved Jordan - she would do anything to be next to the girl, Jordan was Ava's person and Ava was Jordan's.

Ava would call them platonic soulmates and Jordan would glare at her and say something along the lines of "why do you believe that rubbish?", Jordan loved horror movies, Ava despised them, Jordan was a fighter and Ava was a lover.

Opposites and yet the perfect balance between two.

The girls had adapted to their strange lives with each other by now, the weird stares and whispers as they walked by and the same sentence being asked "why is she with her," they use to annoy Jordan, but now she couldn't care less.

Now she takes pride in them, she holds herself tall and looks at others with a glint in her eyes that claims she's better than them, which (most of the time) she is - in her mind anyways.

The two girls walked into Grab N' Go, any blood from Jordan's fight with Vance earlier was washed away and her knuckles were wrapped in bandages, courtesy of Ava.

bloodshed, v. hopper ✎Where stories live. Discover now