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"every time you lie in my place, i do want to say 'it's you, you my babe

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"every time you lie in my place, i do want to say 'it's you, you my babe.'"

my jinin, sunset rollercoaster

chapter twenty-one

JORDAN SMACKED HER HEAD AGAINST HER bedroom door angrily, Vance had agreed to meet her in her house to do the project with one another.

She didn't want to do this project.

He didn't want to do this project.

Jordan groaned even louder when her window slid open. "What are you doing?" Vance asked, a small tease in his voice.

"Getting brain damage, hopefully, I won't need to do this project if I'm in the hospital," She teased back before moving out to her bed and sitting down, Vance went to copy before she threw her hand in front of him, stopping him by his chest.

"Shoes off."

Vance glanced down at his shoes before looking back up at the girl's face, "are you serious?"

"Shoes. Off."

Vance sighed, he slipped his shoes off and placed them in the corner, holding his hands up in surrender.

Once his shoes were off he came over to her bed and sat on it with her, "what are we doing again?" Vance asked, leaning against her bedpost.

"...I thought you knew?"

Vance shook his head earning a deep sigh from Jordan, she stood up from her bed and walked over to her phone that was hanging up on the wall.

She dialled in the familiar number and placed the phone against her ear, "what are you doing?"

"Shhh." She said, the sound of the phone connecting made her smile slightly.

"Hello, Ava Lauren's speaking."

"Who's that?" A muffled voice spoke from the other side, 'is that Finney?'

"Hi, Ava. Is that Finney?"

"Oh, Jordan! Hi, yeah! He's my partner for the project - what did you need?"

"What are we doing the project on." Jordan heard Ava laugh on the phone, Vance came up behind the girl and listened to the phone over her shoulder, scaring the girl.

She clutched a hand over her heart as Vance silently snickered. She lightly smacked his arm as Ava began explaining the project to her.

Vance smirked and poked the side of her stomach making her squirm over to the side, her moving only made Vance's smirk deepen.

bloodshed, v. hopper ✎Where stories live. Discover now