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"young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes,"

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"young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes,"

moral of the story, ashe

chapter ten

JORDANS EARS RANG as she looked up at her ceiling, her head was pounding and her entire body ached. 'What's going on?'

She didn't remember anything, her brain felt all fuzzy and scrambled. She slowly pulled herself up, blinking at the blinding light of her bedroom.

Her body felt slow and weak and as though she was made out of glass, she slowly pulled herself off of her bed, much to her dislike, and walked over to the bathroom.

She did what she needed to do, like using the toilet, brush her teeth, wash her face, etc. She still had school today, but she didn't have it in her to go, she walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out a comfortable outfit, this would have to do.

She yawned again, her eyes feeling as though they are about to close from exhaustion. She laid her clothes on her bed and got under the covers, resting her eyes for a moment wouldn't hurt.

July 20th 1957

Cecilia walked down the school halls, a spring in her step as she smiled and waved at those in the corridors.

People smiled and waved back, it was Cecilia, of course, they were going to wave back.

Cecilia was everyone's friend.

The girl smiled brightly at her oldest friend, Anna Perez. The girl was a kind-hearted girl with a big imagination, "Ceci!" She smiled happily, side-hugging her best friend.

Cecilia kissed Anna's head and smiled leaning against the locker, "hey Anna. How was your date with Conner?" She asked, a smirk pulling at the corners of her lips.

"He was so sweet C! He took me to the movies, held my hand the entire movie and didn't try that sleaze bag trick those other rugby idiots normally do." Anna rambled on for a while more, as her friend listened contently with a smile.

"That's so sweet!" Cecilia cheered, she heard someone walking up to her and she turned on her heel. "Oh! Andrew!" The woman jumped slightly, she gave a smile to the boy who smiled strangely at her.

"Hello, Cecilia."

"Anything you need?" She asked as Anna stood beside the girl.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" He asked, fiddling slightly with his fingers. Cecilia thought for a moment, glancing at Anna who nodded her head vigorously. Cecilia sighed and nodded, a smile plastered onto her face, "sure!"

bloodshed, v. hopper ✎Where stories live. Discover now