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"how am i supposed to see the way? haven't i given enough, given enough?"

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"how am i supposed to see the way? haven't i given enough, given enough?"

gilded lily, cults

chapter twenty-seven

LIGHTNING SHOT THROUGH the sky, the dark clouds blew over Denver, covering the small town in a foggy mist.

The rain smashed and crashed against the windows harshly, the sound burning into people's minds.

Vance slowly opened his eyes, the room around him looking strangely fuzzy. He turned his head to the side, something felt off.

With all the thunder and lightning, Vance almost didn't hear it, the shouting.

He threw himself out of his bed and rushed down the stairs to see his father having a hissy fit at his mother, the boy clenched his fists at his sides and stormed down.

Vance's mother had tears rolling down her face, as she let the man scream at him, but the second he saw his son, he stopped.

"Vance." The younger boy glared at the man in front of him, livid at the fact he screamed at his mother.

"Let me ask you something. Answer honestly or so help me-" He raised a hand towards Vance's mother who flinched backwards instinctively.

"What." The boy spoke through gritted teeth, if he was to try to fight his father now, he'd lose.

As much as it takes a dig at his ego to admit, he would lose if he were to fight his father on his own.

The man shoved a photo into his face and Vance has to re-adjust his eyes to actually see it, it was the photo of him and Jordan holding hands at the baseball game.

"You went through my room!?" The boy screamed, anger bubbling inside of him, he could practically see red.

"Who is this girl!?" The man screamed back, Vance's mother stumbled back as she watched the two get into a screaming match.

"Is it that bitch from next door!?"

"She's not a bitch!" Vance screamed, he was about to punch his father before he blocked it and punched Vance back.

The boy stumbled back against the counter, clutching his bloody nose in his hands.

"Tell me, Vance. Why do you have a photo of that girl holding your hand!?"

The boy glared at his father, his eyes glossy from the punch to the nose, he blinked back the tears and responded.

"I don't know."

"You don't know? You don't know!?" The man screamed, his voice getting louder and louder, it felt as though the whole house was shaking.

"You see your precious girl? If I ever see you near her, she'll be dead."

"You won't fucking touch her!" Vance spoke, he only saw red, and before he could react he managed to get a swing at his father.

The man spat out the pool of blood forming in his mouth before launching forward and grabbing Vance by the collar of the white shirt he slept in.

"So help me, boy." The man spat angrily, glaring at the boy.

Vance pushed the man back and took a glance towards his mother, tears were streaming down her face and her body was shaking out of fear.

Vance's father stumbled back, angrily clutching the photo in his hands and ripping it into two.

Vance watched in horror as the pieces of the photo flew to the ground, his father stormed out, calling for his wife a few seconds after.

The woman quickly stood up, she rested a gentle hand on Vance's cheek, to which he melted into. A few seconds later, Vance's father called for his mother again, she quickly let go of her son and scurried off to find her husband.

Vance stared angrily at the ripped-up photo on the floor, he let out a sharp exhale before snatching the two pieces off of the floor and making his way up to his bedroom.

He slammed the door shut angrily, a loud thud echoing throughout the house.

He stormed over to his wardrobe and dropped the ripped-up photo on the floor before scavenging around for some old roll of tape, which he found.

'Fucking stupid.' The boy thought to himself as he taped the photo back together. 'How fucking pathetic.'

Once the photo was taped together, he laid it on his bedside table, he felt pathetic.

He smashed his fist against the wall, his eyes glossy from the bubbling anger.

To think, he was crying.

Crying over Jordan Richards and his parents.

How pathetic.

He sat against his wall, clenching and unclenching his jaw.

After a few minutes, he came to a realisation, a realisation he could come to accept.

If Jordan Richards hadn't run away, if she instead had responded to the strange feelings he felt towards her, if she accepted them.

Maybe they'd end up in a loveless marriage, just like Vance's parents.

Because in the end, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.




also if i told u guys Jordan died, i'm sorry i was only joking i wouldn't kill her off, i love her too much. 🫶🤭

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