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"out of touch in harmony, designer drugs from dead end streets,"

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"out of touch in harmony, designer drugs from dead end streets,"

sex, drugs etc., beach weather

chapter five

HARSH RAIN spilt from the sky as Jordan made her way to the baseball pitch, those three weeks of suspension were finally over, and for once she was grateful to be doing something to do with school.

She had seen her fair share of Vance those past few weeks, in Grab N' Go, in the run-down rink, in the field, next to her house, at his window, she's seen him everywhere and she hated the fact he was worming his way into her head, whether it was intentional or not she didn't know.

Ava had called her house phone that morning, a small black one that hung in the living room, the girl was overly excited for 8 AM and began rambling on about how Jordan had to go to the baseball game in the afternoon.

Jordan had denied it multiple times, but in the end, she went anyways. She was wearing her usual black boots, black bell bottom jeans, a white long-sleeve blouse and a black leather jacket, her hair was tied into a simple ponytail and finally, an umbrella in hand.

She hated the idea of standing in the rain for an hour watching a sport she had not even the slightest interest in, but she was bored and decided to give in to Ava's morning request.

Finally, she got to the field to see a smiley and ecstatic Ava waving frantically at the brunette girl. Jordan looked at the girl in amusement, she was soaking wet from the rain and hadn't gone anywhere to shelter herself from it.

Jordan walked over to her friend and placed the umbrella above her as the two girls walked into the stands with the rest of the people. The seats were covered by a roof, meaning that the seats were dry so Ava and Jordan took two empty seats in the front row that were only slightly affected by the rain.

If Jordan could have it her way she'd sit at the back, but of course, nothing ever went her way, so Ava had to go and drag her to the first row. "Why are we here?" Jordan shouted over the thundering rain and the loud chatter from the students watching.

"Uh.." Jordan watched as her friend's cheeks tinted a slight pink under the dark cover of the roof, darting her eyes away from her friend, instead getting distracted by something else. Jordan raised an eyebrow but followed her friend's line of view, it was a boy.

Ava had come here for a boy.

Jordan sighed, she wanted to be mad at her friend but she knew she couldn't. "A boy? Really?" She hissed, so instead of being mean to her friend about it, she was going to be mean to the boy.

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