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"could've been the worst day of my life,"

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"could've been the worst day of my life,"

worst day, illenium & max

chapter nine

THE AIR WAS CRISP AND COLD, Jordan didn't want to talk about the awkward encounter she and Vance had had the day before.

Well, she wouldn't call it awkward overall, just towards the end when she unintentionally insulted him. She chuckled silently to herself as she thought of a very graphic image of her violently ripping her hair out.

She was currently walking to Grab N' Go to buy a few different snacks because Jordan and Ava were going to have a sleepover. They had a sleepover at least once a month since Jordan let Ava hang around her, and although sometimes the sleepovers would be bland and boring, being in one another's company was enough to entertain them forever.

Jordan pushed open the Grab N' Go doors, she scanned down the isles and mentally prepared herself when she walked passed Vance. He was making her nervous and she hated it, she hated it because a month ago she would've been practically beating the shit out of him but now she had to prepare herself to glance in his direction.

It wasn't that she was scared of him, no. If there was a day she was ever scared of Vance Hopper, she would hang herself on the spot, she just feels weird around him.

Whenever she's around him there feels as though there's an impending tension, she feels her shoulders tense and she loses her ability to breathe when looking at him, she hates it.

Vance Hopper is the only person that has made her feel like this, it's pathetic in her eyes, she's totally pathetic.

But at least she's not the only person who feels like this, because as she passed Vance, he broke concentration with the pinball game and instead spared a few glances Jordan's way.

The girl crouched down to get snacks off of the bottom shelf, she bit her lip in concentration trying to remember which ones Ava liked. She was thinking back to the conversation Gwen and Ava were having about certain crisps, the two hated each other's favourites and Jordan couldn't remember for the life of her which one Ava loved and which one she hated, so she got both.

She stood back up straight and felt a pair of eyes on her, she turned her head to see Vance staring at her. She swallowed and watched as he slowly turned his attention back to the pinball game, Jordan sighed and went around the rest of Grab an' Go attempting to find more snacks.

After a few minutes, Jordan walked over to the counter and placed the snacks onto it, the woman counted all of them, sending nervous glances to the girl constantly. Jordan raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, the woman handed her the plastic bag and Jordan handed her some money before walking out.

bloodshed, v. hopper ✎Where stories live. Discover now