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"pacify her, she's getting on my nerves,"

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"pacify her, she's getting on my nerves,"

pacify her, melanie martinez

chapter thirteen

AVA, GWEN, FINNEY AND JORDAN were all seated around a picnic table, three of them sat contently eating while Jordan laid her head on the table, continuously slipping in and out of sleep.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" Ava asked, only sparing a side glance at her best friend. Jordan thought for a moment, humming as she did, "maybe... two hours? Three hours at most."

Ava sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of her nose, Gwen snickered at the blonde girl's reaction, while Finney listened with a small smile on his face.

He couldn't get the fact that Jordan Richards said that Ava Laurens (his crush since he was like twelve) might have a crush on him back, "what's got, you so happy Finn?" Ava asked kindly, a small smile on her lips. Jordan smirked as she looked up at Finney, knowing exactly why he was so smiley.

His cheeks went pink as he begin shaking his head slowly, "oh don't worry," he glanced towards Jordan who just smirked back at him. A loud gasp from Gwen made the three teens turn to her, she had a huge grin on her face as she glanced over from Finney to Ava, and then to Jordan for some sort of silent confirmation.

Jordan nodded her head, a small smile resting on her lips as she laid her head back down on the picnic table. She heard the other three talk quietly amongst themselves, Jordan must've fell asleep for a few minutes because when she woke up Finney had gone to go put his rubbish in the bin.

"When's lunch end?" Jordan asked, whispering slightly to Ava. Ava turned to her friend and checked her watch, "in ten minutes." Jordan hummed and laid her head back down on the table.

After about five minutes Finney came back, he seemed incredibly scared, he was pale and his hands were slightly shaking. "What happened?" Jordan asked, raising her eyes to the boy.

He shook his head and didn't say anything else, "was it those boys again?" Gwen asked, turning to face her brother.

Finney shook his head once more, "those boys?" Jordan questioned.

"Moose and his gang," Jordan made an 'o' with her mouth before resting her chin on her hands. "I'll beat them up for you if you'd like?" She offered, Finney shook his head and frowned, "Just drop it."

Ava opened her mouth but quickly shut it when Finney looked at her, "Finn..."

"I said drop it, please?" He begged the three girls, Jordan sighed but didn't say anything more. She sat up straight and looked over at the door where students were beginning to enter the building as lunch was coming to a close.

bloodshed, v. hopper ✎Where stories live. Discover now