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"if we never try, how will we know?"

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"if we never try, how will we know?"

fall in love alone, stacey ryan

chapter seventeen

GWEN WAS WALKING in front of the two older girls, a teasing smirk on her lips. "Oh, Finney! I love you, Finney!"

Ava rolls her eyes and playfully glared at the girl, "please stop saying that - people will think your weird, he's your brother." Gwen let out a laugh, but continued teasing Ava, this time not saying Finney's name.

Jordan felt content. She loved hanging out with Gwen and Ava, and although she's not as close with Gwen as she is with Ava - it doesn't stop her from seeing the younger girl as a sister that she doesn't have.

Gwen turned around so her back was to the older girls and wrapped her arms around herself, pretending that she was making out with someone.

"Very funny Gwenny Gwen." Ava teased, using the childish nickname Ava had given her. "What do you think Jor Jor bear?" She smiled innocently.

"Call me that again and I'll push you down the stairs is what I think," Jordan said, stuffing a hand in her pocket while the other hand was bandaged by Ava that morning.

"Harsh," Gwen muttered.

"Awww sorry Jor Jor bear!" Ava teased.

"Yeah sorry, Jor Jor bear!" Gwen joined in, earning a loud laugh from Ava. Jordan ignored the two girls and rolled her eyes, "you two make me want to rip my hair out."


"That's the whole point," Gwen spoke, a smirk playing on her lips. Gwen stopped in her tracks and gasped loudly earning two confused looks from the older girls.

"Oh my Gosh!" She exclaimed, an excited smile on her face.



"I just realised something!"

"Realised what?"

"This year I can go to the school's winter dance!" Gwen said excitedly.

"Why couldn't you go the last two years?" Ava asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The first one, I wasn't aloud, I was too young, and the second one I got ill."

"It's not as great as it sounds," Jordan complained. She hates the school's winter dance, it's full of rubbish music, with rubbish people, with rubbish food and rubbish clothes.

The only good thing about it in her opinion is seeing teachers she'd never thought she'd see dancing, for example; last year the 60-year-old science teacher ended up doing the limbo and winning first place.

"Oh, hush don't ruin it for Gwen! Don't listen to her Gwen, she just hates the dances because nobody ever asked her."

"I don't need anyone to ask me. I've got myself." Gwen laughed at the two before a smirk made its way onto her face.

"It's alright! She doesn't need to worry about if anyone will ask her this year! She has Vancey Wancey!"

Jordan's mouth hung open slightly as she glared at the girl, Ava let out a loud laugh, earning a playful push from Jordan.

AVA AND GWEN were trying on different clothes while Jordan sat in the seating area and rated them out of ten.

She was having a blast. Not.

She rolled her eyes and huffed, bored out of her mind from her friend's constant shopping habits. This happens at least once a month, Jordan is dragged out to do shopping with Ava and each time she doesn't buy anything except maybe a t-shirt.

Jordan never tried on any clothes, she never finds clothes she likes in the shops Ava takes her to. Clothes didn't matter anyways, Jordan has had the exact same clothes since she was twelve.

Because when Jordan was twelve, she hit puberty really quickly and basically grew to her full height by that age.

She's now eighteen and her clothes still fit her, some have ripped or been worn out, so she will occasionally go shopping on her own and won't tell Ava about it.

Gwen and Ava came out in new clothes and began posing in different ways with funny faces.

Jordan examined the two girls' outfits and pointed out Gwen's shirt, "take that shirt off and put on the shirt you had last time, Ava your outfit is ridiculous."

Ava and Gwen huffed, muttering something along the lines of 'you're meant to just say it looks good'

Jordan crossed her legs and turned her head to where other shoppers were, the dressing room lounge was right next to the men's section in that specific shop.

Jordan thought she was going crazy when she saw a blonde curly-haired boy looking through jean jackets.

After a few minutes of staring, he was still looking at the different jean jacket designs and Jordan was too engrossed in the boy to realise Gwen had snuck up behind her.

The girl didn't say anything, just followed Jordan's line of sight until it landed on a curly-haired blonde boy.

After a few seconds of staring the boy turned around, it wasn't Vance.

It was just a boy with the same hair.

Jordan scoffed and turned her head away, making Gwen smirk. She quickly ran back into the changing rooms to where Ava was looking at the jeans she picked out in the mirror.

"Jordan just saw a guy who looked like Vance and was like totally staring at him!" Gwen exclaimed, a big smile on her face.

Ava raised an eyebrow and walked out into the lounge where an agitated Jordan sat.

"Hey, Jor Jor Bear!" Ava spoke, sitting next to her best friend and throwing an arm around her shoulder.

"What do you want?"

"Did you think that guy was Vancey Wancey?" Gwen asked, making a kiss-ee face. Jordan glared at the two before standing up, "go get changed back into your normal clothes or I'm leaving."

Gwen and Ava giggled to one another as the three of them exited the mall.

"Oh, Vance!" Gwen squealed, turning her back to Jordan to pretend to be making out.

"Shut up Gwen," Jordan spoke playfully, only slightly annoyed.

"Payback." Ava whispered to Jordan,

"Shut your mouth."





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