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"put your hand in mine, you know that i want to be with you all the time,"

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"put your hand in mine, you know that i want to be with you all the time,"

make you mind, danielle bradbery & public


THE MOONLIGHT shone through the open curtained window, Jordan sat underneath the window with Vance in front of her.

Jordan had a coffee in front of her, it was 11 PM and usually, she'd have some sort of alcoholic drink - she was tempted to, but Vance made her a coffee.

He had one in front of himself too.

In fact, while she was with Ava he had gotten rid of everything in both his and her room that would tempt her.

He wanted her to get better.

He didn't want to see her half dead behind Grab N' Go again. "I'm tired."

"Drink the coffee then," he spoke, also taking a sip.

"Your coffee sucks." She mumbled but took a sip of it anyways.

"No, it does not."

"It's too sugary," she mumbled, she hated sugary teas and coffees.

"I like sugary coffee."


"Do you wanna go?"

"Let's go," Jordan teased, throwing her fists in front of her face, earning a snicker from Vance, "put your fists down woman."

A smile spread across Jordan's face, she was happy.

"Wanna listen to the radio?" She asked, standing up and walking to her wardrobe, only to be dragged down by Vance to sit next to him.

"No. If I have to listen to your shitty music again, I'll kill myself."

"Queen is not shit!" She exclaimed, a fake offended look on her face.

"It is."

"Shut up I love 'don't stop me now."

"I don't."

"Your music taste sucks ass."

"I'll actually fight you, don't tempt me."

"Mm, I miss our fights!" Jordan spoke, a smirk on her face, "it was fun."

"So much fun," Vance said, closing his eyes and leaning against the wardrobe door.

Jordan sighed and copied him, leaning her head against his shoulder, and falling asleep almost instantly.

Vance slowly opened his eyes, the moonlight reflecting on her face as she peacefully slept, making Jordan look ethereal.

She was beautiful.

Vance thought she was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.

He pressed a soft kiss onto her head before leaning his head against hers and falling asleep.

He was ready.


JORDAN SAT UP PANICKED, she had the strangest dream, Vance moved his head slightly, still asleep.

Jordan looked around the room frantically, trying to recall where she was. Silent tears fell down her face as she tried to forget her nightmare, it was with her mother and father.

It started with her mother, being unhappy and unloving toward Jordan and leaving, saying she couldn't raise a baby. It switched to her father abusing her, and it continued eventually until she grew up.

It was similar to the current timeline she lived in, except Jordan didn't meet Vance, and instead ended up just like her father.

The thought of Andrew saying, "We're the same." Echoing throughout her mind as she tried to rid herself of those thoughts.

A small hand on her shoulder made her freeze, she snapped her head towards whoever it was, it was Vance.

A wave of calm washed over her as she stared at the boy. He didn't say anything.

He just pulled her close to him, her head on his chest as she scooted closer to the boy.

He wrapped one arm around her waist and the other around the back of her head. He didn't say anything, he just held her as she silently sobbed.

And that's all she needed.


SHE EVENTUALLY calmed down and fell back to sleep, but this time, instead of the nightmare with her father.

It was her. Her with Ava. Her with Finney. Her with Robin. Her with Gwen.

Her with Vance.

They were happy.

They were laughing.

The six of them against the world.

This was something Jordan could live with, even if it felt unachievable, she still wanted it.


WHEN JORDAN WOKE up the next morning, the two didn't talk about what happened. There was no point, Vance already knew. He had nightmares himself.

Jordan laid her head against her arms as she watched Vance cook breakfast, a small smile on his lips as the hum of a radio was heard in the background, the sun illuminated against the boy's face.

It looked like a scene from a movie.

It was then at that moment that Jordan realised she loved Vance Hopper.



i hope u know i had 'for the first time' on repeat while watching this chapter!! LOL

anyways jordan loves him bc i say so

also on other vance stories i sometimes see pple commenting "vance doesn't act like this, he's angry all the time" or smth along those lines when it's a domestic sort of scene, while yes Vance has bad anger issues - constantly believing that his only emotion is anger pisses me off bc i have bad anger issues myself, but i'm not always angry 😭 like look at the scene b4 he beats the person up, he seems calm like he's not always angry he just has bad anger issues☠️


bloodshed, v. hopper ✎Where stories live. Discover now