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"you drew stars around my scars,"

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"you drew stars around my scars,"

cardigan, taylor swift

chapter sixteen

CRASH! The glass plate Jordan held in her hand seconds ago was smashed into pieces, her mouth opened for a moment before quickly closing. She clutched her hands together, saying a super quick prayer that her father is asleep and didn't hear the plate.

When she doesn't hear any movement from his bedroom, she sighs a breath of relief and grabs the broom, she quickly began sweeping up the broken shards and placing them in the bin. Once the broken plate pieces were all cleared up, she turned around to grab another one.

Her heart stopped when she saw her father. He's standing in the doorway, a sour expression on his face as if he had just watched Jordan pick up broken plate pieces.

"Why did you break that plate?" He asked calmly, Jordan's heart was hammering in her chest as she frantically shook her head. "I-I didn't mean to," She spoke quietly, flinching as her father walked closer to her.

She squeezed her eyes shut as he lifted his arm, assuming he was going to slap her. But the slap never came, instead, he began caressing her cheek. "It's okay," he spoke calmly.

That's never good.

It's always calm before the storm.

Jordan gave a wary smile.

A loud slap echoed throughout the home, Jordan's cheek stung and tears pricked the corners of her eyes. He grabbed a chunk of her hair, a signature move he did and pushed her head harshly against the counter.

"Why did you do it?!" He screamed, tears falling silently from Jordan's eyes as she tried prying herself free from his grip. "It wasn't on purpose!" She screamed back, her voice coming out slightly raw.

"Don't lie to me!" He screams loudly, kicking her ankle, and making her yelp out in pain. "I'm not lying!"

The two go back and forth, screaming and shouting at one another before Jordan finally yanked his hand off of her hair, and before he could grab her again she hit him.

And she hit him hard.

He stumbled back, shocked at the fact his daughter actually hit him back. "It. Wasn't. My. Fault!" She screamed out through gritted teeth, "This is why mum left you and this stupid fucking town!"

Her father stood stunned, he pushed her back, making her hit her hip on the side of the counter. "Fuck you! Pussy bitch!" She screamed to her father, she wished she knew where this confidence was coming from, but she didn't.

He slapped her hard on the same cheek that collided with the side, the bruise already forming.

"I hope you die." She spoke as she spat on him in a fit of rage, Andrew grabbed her wrist and twisted it until he heard the familiar crack.

bloodshed, v. hopper ✎Where stories live. Discover now