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"you're the only friend i need, you're the only friend i need, sharing beds like little kids,"

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"you're the only friend i need, you're the only friend i need, sharing beds like little kids,"

ribs, LORDE

chapter twenty-six

SCHOOL WAS BACK, the rain fell slowly from the sky, and only small drops filled the pavement as students quickly ushered themselves into the warm building.

The sounds of school life filled the corridors; flirtatious laughter from a girl on a boy's locker, merciless gossip that hadn't quite yet been finished, teachers yelling in the corridors at students to get to class, the sound of lockers slamming closed, and people cursing when they couldn't get theirs opened.

It all rushed to Jordan's ears when she forcefully entered her way through the building, her hands were stuffed in her leather jacket. She was wearing black wide-leg jeans with a white cropped shirt that fit her nicely and of course, her signature black boots, that made a clicking noise when she walked.

She felt someone knock into her, she spun on her heel ready to hit whoever it was. "Jor!" Gwen exclaimed happily.

"Gwen," a small smile made its way onto the girl's face, the smile felt foreign on her cheeks as Gwen grabbed her wrist and began pushing through the corridors, occasionally shouting "move!"

Gwen brought the girl to the small little group, the four had formed, Jordan, Gwen, Finney and Ava.

Two of them leaned against their lockers as Jordan and Gwen walked over, "Jordan!" Ava exclaimed, a bit too much like Gwen.

"Hi Jordan," Finney smiled at her, and she smiled back.


THE RAIN HAD STOPPED, and the small sound of rain falling against the floor ceased. The only noise was the loud bang of a ball coming into contact with a bat.

Jordan was sitting on the bleachers, her knees to her chest as she watched Finney and her friends play.

A boy she's never met before was batting the ball, while Gwen was the catcher and Ava was a fielder.

Jordan didn't feel like participating at the time, so she was given the role of the judge, she was given a whistle and had to blow it every time Gwen caught the ball.

Jordan watched with slight amusement as the boy who was batting kept on missing.

Finney threw the ball again.

bloodshed, v. hopper ✎Where stories live. Discover now