Amnesia or Something else?

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A/n:Tomorrow is holiday.So,I managed to complete this chapter tonight.I think that I could update new chapter tomorrow or Sunday.
After reading the Main System's mail,the System decided to check the new power source that (Y/n) obtained today.

That is the Real Crimson Witch.

She is quickly sealed by the System as soon as (Y/n) finished absorbing the power of flaming heart.She can also be considered as his new neighbor now.

"Who the fuck are you?!Are you Barbato's subordinate?!"
The girl who appearence is exact  copy of (Y/n) with crimson butterfly wings inside the cage yells when she saw the white sphere with black wings.Her face has full of resentment.

She tried to break out from the cage but the cage seem to be indestructible.

She tried to break out from the cage but the cage seem to be indestructible

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(Just imagine that there is black wings.)

She has been sealed for 500 years in that girl's body!

Now,she is in the new body and her memories is slowly coming back to her.

That hateful god Barbato and Dottore  stopped her in the past!

Especially that guy Dottore!He can even brainwash her and use her as a tool!

Damn hateful humans.I should have turned you all into ashes!

"I am not his surbordinate.I am the System.You must obey my order or I will erase your existence."

Upon hearing the so called System's words,the witch become more angry.

"It seem that you are also staying in this girl's body and trying to take control her body!We are the same species!Why do I need to obey you?!Release me now and let's fight!"

" are quite annoying.Listen here carefully.I am helping this girl and don't compare yourself to me.Besides,we are not the same.My Host absorbed you and you are here.Well ,I cut off the communication connection between you and her.So,she won't know your existence while having fully able to use your pyrokinesis abilities."

"What?!This is impossible!"
The communication is cut off.It means she can't corrupt this girl mind by breaking her psychological defense just like she did to her old vessel.

"C'mon,even the ordinary human can brainwash you.You need to accept this.Now,you just need to stay quiet here and provide pyro energy for my host.Enjoy your solitary confinement!"
The System flapped his wings and said.

"Ahhhh!So,annoying!I shouldn't come into this world!"
The witch roared.

The System returned to his place.

{Main System,you sent that skill on purpose.Am I right?}
He asked.

The notification of mail sounded.

There is only one word.

( Yes.)

(Starfall Cliff)

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