A/n : About what I want to say.

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I apologizes for slow update. My network isn't very good these day and I have to use VPN to enter Wattpad. Most vpn are banned in my country so I have to find working ones. I got some health problems too. Don't worry, I am fine as I need to avoid certain foods which are my favorites.😭

Besides, there is also our Editor who give me many ideas too. But he refused to listen the ending of this story.😥

Well, my dear readers, it's been over one year since this fanfic was published. I used everything available with my little knowledge of writing. I often used Google translate if I don't know how to write my ideas in English. However, I am glad to see the story is progressing. I felt very nostalgic when I reread the chapter one.

Time really flies fast.✨

Another one is that I saw that there are messages who want to write this story in their own version. Ahem, I allows it!

Just use this story if you want to use it! Whether inspiration or rewrite, you are free to write it.

Lastly, I love all of you, my dear readers.🥰

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