Chapter V

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So, here you were. Your spouse left and viewed you as a lost cause, you were in the hands of one of the most insane Harbingers, and Pantalone, the only person who defended you, left in a rush after receiving some news about the Fatui's economical state. 'I am going to die by science', you complained to yourself, but the Harbinger had other plans.

To your surprise, he didn't even look your way. He just sat on his lab, doing research and mixing substances together. You were sat on a surgical table as there were no other chairs and watched him quietly while carefully observing his features. The most important ones weren't visible; for example his eyes were covered by a sharp mask and his neck by a thick dark blue scarf.

You dozed off, there wasn't much to do and you started regretting your decision. You were now one of his test subjects. Suddenly he started approaching you, "Stay still", he said, whilst holding a syringe with a green-ish to yellow liquid in it. He takes off your thick coat only to find another layer of clothes — which, although he found reasonable, quite angered him.

"I hate him" - Il Dottore x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now