Chapter IV

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The next minutes were full of silence. You were scared to speak and the two Harbingers were not willing to start a conversation. Out of the blue, the moment of pure silence was broken by someone who knocked the door gently. "Come in", Dottore said with a sharp voice. The door opened, only to reveal your spouse.

"Ah, there you are [name], thank god I found you", they said and calmly walked in, "Apologies for the trouble, we shall now take our leave", they said, taking your hand. It was awkward, really, you never make any physical contact, even eye contact is rare for the most part.

"Well, where do you think you're going? I gave your lover treatment and this is how you repay me?", he says, obviously trying to pick a fight with both of us. "Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners? Thank you for your assistance, sir", your spouse says. Now that you really think about it, you barely hear their voice; you don't talk to them and the only thing you might talk about is the weather.

Dottore's response was laughter, just his laughter made you clench your fist, who does this man think he is? "Did I say something wrong?", your lover said, scratching his head from discomfort. "A thanks won't do anything, will it? As a return, I want them to do me a favor", he continued. Pantalone sighed; as if this scenario has repeated.

Your spouse was about to protest, when you cut them off, "Alright, if it's simply a favor, who am I to refuse?", you say with a calm tone; when in reality you were terrified of what this man was going to do to you. You've heard so many tales about how much torture his test subjects and even assistants go through, but you wanted to seem tough, after all, he was a Harbinger, so going against him is like going against the majesty, the Tsarista, herself, you assumed.

"I hate him" - Il Dottore x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now