Chapter IXV

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You woke up, expecting to see the same old lab that always gave you the freaks. The lab in which you slept all night after a day full of overthinking; the lab which you've stayed in for a few weeks now.

Something was, different, though. You woke up smelling a peculiar scent, and feeling as if you're laid on something far more soft than that frozen surgery table. You drew to the conclusion that you had woken up on a bed, a fuzzy one at best, and that scent smelt like breakfast that was just cooked, maybe some eggs? You were not too sure about that. What you were certain of, however, was that you had been finally saved from that madman. You were in relief when you finally realized that you're in someone's home and not in that terrifying dirty lab.

Yet, you didn't know who that house as well as bed belonged to, could it be another Harbinger, or a fellow test subject who managed to escape and brought you along? You hoped it was the latter, rather than the former.

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