Chapter 24

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Ross' POV:

I'v been running around all night trying to find Laura!
Rydel said she left trying to find me.. Well, that's what I think she said, she's pretty drunk right now!
But that's what Rydel said hours ago! I went to Laura's room, my room, my family's rooms even mom and dad's room and the beach and nothing!

" Riker!! I can't find Laura have you seen her? "

Riker: No man... I haven't seen her.

All you can smell is beer off his breath... He's no help.

" Rocky have you- "

Rocky: Sorry man I haven't! Where would she go?

" I don't know, the last I seen her she was with Rydel, and they went to get a drink but I already asked Rydel where she is and she told me that Laura went looking for me! And that was hours ago! "

Rocky: Well.. Maybe she...Ahh..

" Rocky, I'm really worried right now! I mean she had a drink and that means it's her first time drinking and what if her body can't handle it? "

Rocky: I'm sure she's fine, maybe just started talking with someone and got distracted with time.

" Yeah.. Maybe! I really hope so. "

Rocky: She'll be alright man! I'm going to bed! See you in the morning!

Then Riker, Ratliff, Ry and Rydel went up with him to go to bed. But I told them I was gonna stay up till I find Laura!


For the last 3 hours I'v been doing the same as I was before. Just walking around trying to find Laura! It's 5:00 AM and still haven't heard from her. I'v called her, texted her! Yelled her name at the beach but nothing.. All I heard was the waves crashing on the shore, because it's so early nobody is up.

I walked into the lobby and no one was their except the workers that stay up all night.

I laid down on 1 of 10 couches in the lobby.

I was tried.

But I didn't want to sleep until I found Laura safe and sound.
But I was weak and sore and I closed my eyes for 1 min and fell asleep hard!


Laura's POV:

I opened my eyes to my hotel room... I looked to my left and seen Edie laying in my bed... Then I released that this was not my hotel room and not my bed!

Edie was sleeping so I pushed the sheets off of me and stood up to leave when I had no clothes on.

I looked around really quick to find something, anything to put over me in case Edie just opened his eyes.

But I found my clothes spread across the floor...

I put them on then opening the door and leaving.

I went to the lobby and sat down trying to remember what happened the night before.

I remember drinking with Rydel...

Leaving Rydel to find Ross...

Finding Ross....

No wait, that wasn't Ross.. That was someone else...

Then everything got really blurry...

I couldn't see much of anything.

And then this voice kept repeating its self in my head...

" I'll take care of you! "

Over and over in my head... It must have been Edie!

But why can't I remember anything else?

What happened?

It was like a bluer...

A big bluer...

Then I wake up in his room, his bed, naked, and with my clothes spread across the--

Wait... No NO NO NOOO!!!

He tried my drink and got me finish it! He must have put something in it to make me forget!

To make me not myself so I would sleep with him!

Oh my god!!!!!!!!

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