Chapter 29

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Ross' POV:

After Laura and I made up we were going to head out but we remembered Edie was in the hall, and was probably waiting for us to come out.

Laura: What are we gonna do?

" I'll text Riker and Rocky. I'm sure their up for beating him up again."

I grabbed my phone texting Riker and telling him the situation.

He texted back right away saying he was grabbing Rocky and Ratliff.

A few minutes later we heard them in the hall so I told Laura to stay here in the room well I go out and see what's happening.

Rikers POV:

" HEY! What are you doing here? "

Edie: Get out of here asshole!

Rocky: Your the only asshole so leave!! Now!!

Edie: Why don't all of you just suck it! This is not your concern.

Riker: This is our concern, you mess with them you mess with us!

He steps closer to me, getting in my face.

Edie: Oh yeah?

I look him in the eye.

" Yeah! "

He looks at Rocky and Ratliff.

Edie: Tell me something. Do you guys have a... sister?

I make the first move to punch the fuck in the face.
I hit him right in the mouth. hard! Hard enough that I think my hand is cut from his teeth. But that didn't stop myself to continue.

Ratliff and Rocky then joined in as well. Edie punched back as hard as we punched, and to be honest Edie is a pretty good fighter. I mean he's still going with the 3 of us against him.

I seen Ross come out and got right into it as well.
I stepped back and noticed Ross had a black eye with fresh cuts on his face. I couldn't help my self but wonder what happen.

Ross' POV:

I seen them all fightIng and knew I had to help, but I'm sore from earlier when Edie came to my room.

*** What Happened Earlier ***

After my mom and dad left me alone I laid down and continued thinking about everything that happened between Laura and I.

I heard a knock on the door.

" Go away please!! "

But the knock kept on continuing so I got up and opened the door to nothing.

I closed it and hadn't even turned around yet and it knocked again.
So I opened the door really fast to see Edie's fist already in motion to hit my face.

The force pushed me back into the bathroom door.

I moan when I hit the door.

Before I knew it Edie was in my room, locking the door with the chain and stepping towards me.

I stood up quick and punched Edie a few times in the nose and he punches me back a few times in the eye, back and fourth until he pushed me against the wall and punched me right in the ribs.

It felt like that day when that random guy from the hotel beaten me up.

I yelp in pain and slid down the wall holding my stomach.

He pulls out duck tape, pulling my hands off my stomach and start putting it around them. As well my ankles. I had no fight left in me. He punched me in my 3 Brocken ribs, I can't fight. Even if I wanted too I can't now, he already has duck tape on me.

Edie: I win!

*** Flash Back Over ***

Ross' POV:

I hit Edie, hard, hard as I could.
Edie stops punching back and takes a step back.
We try to get our breathing back to normal.
Edie walks to me and gets in my face.

" You need to leave. "

Edie: You know Ross I've learned something about you in all of this... I learned that you can't take a punch in the ribs...

* Punches Ross in the ribs... *

Why do I keep getting hit there?!
I slowly make my way to the grown in pain...

Riker's POV:

I grab Edie by the shirt and pull him behind me until we get to the elevator. I push the down button and throw him in it pressing a floor button.
The door starts closing and I speak.

" Go to fucking hell asshole' "


What do you think will happen to Ross? Idk.. Actually I do #SorryNotSorry

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